- loan-translation
- [ʹləʋntrænz͵leıʃ(ə)n] n лингв.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
loan translation — n. CALQUE … English World dictionary
loan translation — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms loan translation : singular loan translation plural loan translations linguistics a word or expression used in a language that has been translated from another language … English dictionary
loan translation — noun an expression introduced into one language by translating it from another language superman is a calque for the German Ubermensch • Syn: ↑calque, ↑calque formation • Hypernyms: ↑saying, ↑expression, ↑locution * * * ˈloan tra … Useful english dictionary
loan translation — loan′ transla tion n. 1) ling. a compound word or expression formed by translation of each of the elements of a compound from another language, as gospel (Old English gōdspell) from Greek euangélion“good news” 2) ling. the process whereby such a… … From formal English to slang
loan translation — /ˈloʊn trænzleɪʃən/ (say lohn tranzlayshuhn) noun Linguistics a form of borrowing from one language to another whereby the semantic equivalent of a term or grammatical structure in one language is given a literal translation in the other, as blue …
loan translation — noun Date: 1917 a compound, derivative, or phrase that is introduced into a language through translation of the constituents of a term in another language (as superman from German Übermensch) … New Collegiate Dictionary
loan translation — 1. the process whereby a compound word or expression is created by literal translation of each of the elements of a compound word or expression in another language, as marriage of convenience from French mariage de convenance. 2. a word or… … Universalium
loan translation — n. calque, word or expression introduced to one language as a direct literal translation from another language … English contemporary dictionary
loan translation — noun The borrowing of components of a foreign language word and translating them literally Syn: calque … Wiktionary
loan translation — noun an expression adopted by one language from another in a more or less literally translated form … English new terms dictionary
loan — (n.) mid 13c., from O.N. lan, related to lja to lend, from P.Gmc. *laikhwniz (Cf. O.Fris. len thing lent, M.Du. lene, Du. leen loan, fief, O.H.G. lehan, Ger. Lehn fief, feudal tenure ), originally to let have, to leave (to someone), from PIE *lei … Etymology dictionary