Смотреть что такое "lip-" в других словарях:
LIP — LIP; lip·a·rid·i·dae; lip·a·ris; lip·a·rite; lip; lip·id; lip·i·do·plast; lip·i·do·sis; lip·i·do·some; lip·in; lip·less; lip·o·gram; lip·o·gram·mat·ic; lip·o·gram·ma·tism; lip·o·gram·ma·tist; lip·pen; lip·per·ings; lip·pia; lip·pi·ness;… … English syllables
Lip — (l[i^]p), n. [OE. lippe, AS. lippa; akin to D. lip, G. lippe, lefze, OHG. lefs, Dan. l[ae]be, Sw. l[ a]pp, L. labium, labrum. Cf. {Labial}.] 1. One of the two fleshy folds which surround the orifice of the mouth in man and many other animals. In… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lip — [lip] n. [ME lippe < OE lippa, akin to MDu lippe < IE base * leb , to hang loosely, lip > L labes, a falling, labium, lip] 1. either of the two fleshy folds forming the edges of the mouth 2. anything like a lip, as in structure or in… … English World dictionary
lip — W2 [lıp] n [: Old English; Origin: lippa] 1.) one of the two soft parts around your mouth where your skin is redder or darker upper/lower/top/bottom lip ▪ His bottom lip was swollen. ▪ She had big eyes and full lips (=large and round lips) . ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English
lip — [ lıp ] noun *** 1. ) count one of the two edges that form the top and bottom parts of your mouth: His thin red lips stretched into a smile. 2. ) count the place on the edge of a glass or container where you pour out liquid: Careful, the lip of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Lip- — vor Konsonanten auch Lipo [griech. lípos = Speck]: Bestimmungswort von Zus. mit der Bed. »Fett«. * * * lip , Lip : ↑ lipo , Lipo . * * * lip , Lip : ↑lipo , ↑Lipo . li|po , Li|po , (vor Vokalen auch:) lip … Universal-Lexikon
lip — ► NOUN 1) either of the two fleshy parts forming the edges of the mouth opening. 2) the edge of a hollow container or an opening. 3) informal impudent talk. 4) another term for LABIUM(Cf. ↑labium). ► VERB ▪ (of water) lap a … English terms dictionary
lip- — lip(o) élément, du gr. lipos, graisse . ⇒LIP(O) , (LIP , LIPO )élém. formant I. Élém. tiré du gr. ( ) , de « graisse, corps gras », entrant dans la constr. de subst. et d adj. appartenant notamment à la biol. et à la méd. A. [Le 2e élém. n est… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lip's — est un groupe féminin de Jpop, actif de 1990 à 1992, composé de trois idoles japonaises. Fin 1990, elles forment un groupe commun avec le trio Rakutenshi et la soliste Rumi Shishido, le temps d un single et d un album de noël, sous le nom… … Wikipédia en Français
Lip — Lip, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Lipped} (l[i^]pt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Lipping} ( p[i^]ng).] 1. To touch with the lips; to put the lips to; hence, to kiss. [1913 Webster] The bubble on the wine which breaks Before you lip the glass. Praed. [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lip — Lip, v. t. To clip; to trim. [Obs.] Holland. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English