- linotyper
- [ʹlaınəʋ|͵taıpə,-{ʹlaınəʋ}͵taıpıst] n
линотипист, линотипистка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Linotyper — Линотипист … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
linotyper — li·no·typ·er … English syllables
linotyper — … Useful english dictionary
linotype — linotyper, linotypist, n. /luy neuh tuyp /, v., linotyped, linotyping. Print. to typeset on a Linotype machine. [see LINOTYPE] * * * Trademark name for a typesetting machine by which characters are cast in type metal as a complete line, rather… … Universalium
Psycho-Pirate — Roger Hayden as the Psycho Pirate. Art by Chas Truog. Publication information Publisher DC Comics … Wikipedia
ETAOIN SHRDLU — is the approximate order of frequency of the twelve most commonly used letters in the English language, best known as a nonsense phrase that sometimes appeared in print in the days of hot type publishing due to a custom of Linotype machine… … Wikipedia
Kerry William Purcell — is an English author on graphic design and visual culture. He is a frequent contributor to Baseline and other design magazines.According to his own website [http://www.kerrywilliampurcell.com/] , Purcell was born in Cleethorpes, England. He… … Wikipedia
devil — Synonyms and related words: Abaddon, Apollyon, Baba Yaga, Beelzebub, Belial, Bowery bum, Lilith, Linotyper, Lucifer, Mafioso, Mephistopheles, Old Nick, Old Scratch, Satan, Succubus, Xanthippe, Young Turk, adventurer, adventuress, adversary,… … Moby Thesaurus
printer — Synonyms and related words: Linotyper, apprentice printer, bibliognost, bibliographer, biblioklept, bibliolater, bibliomane, bibliomaniac, bibliopegist, bibliophage, bibliophile, bibliopole, bibliopolist, bibliotaph, bibliothec, bibliothecaire,… … Moby Thesaurus
printer — n pressman, typographer, compositor, typesetter, type caster, linotyper; master printer, journeyman printer, printer s apprentice, printer s devil, Print. devil … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Linotype — ☆ Linotype [līn′ə tīp΄ ] [< line of type] trademark for a typesetting machine that casts an entire line of type in one bar, or slug: it is operated from a keyboard n. [often l ] 1. a machine of this kind 2. matter set in this way vt., vi.… … English World dictionary