- light-day
- [ʹlaıtdeı] n
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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Light-day — A light day (also written light day) is a unit of length. It is defined as the distance light travels in an absolute vacuum in one day (of 86,400 seconds) or 25,902,068,371,200 metres ( 26 Tm).Note that this value is exact, since the metre is… … Wikipedia
light-day — ˈ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ noun : a unit of length in astronomy equal to the distance that light travels in one day in a vacuum or about 26 billion kilometers * * * light day «LYT DAY», noun. the distance that light travels in one day; about 16 billion… … Useful english dictionary
Light & Day — Infobox Single Name = Light Day Artist = The Polyphonic Spree from Album = The Beginning Stages of... Released = February 10, 2003 Recorded = October 2000 Genre = Pop Length = 3:03 Light Day , also known as Section 9 (Light Day/Reach for the Sun) … Wikipedia
day-neu|tral plant — «DAY NOO truhl, NYOO », a plant growing and blooming independent of the amount of light: »Day neutral plants, such as dandelions, apparently are insensitive to the length of day as they will bloom in any season if they receive enough heat and… … Useful english dictionary
Light-week — A light week (also written light week) is a unit of length. It is defined as the distance light travels in an absolute vacuum in one week (seven days of 86,400 seconds each) or 181,314,478,598,400 metres ( 181 Tm).Note that this value is exact,… … Wikipedia
Light-month — A light month (also written light month) is a unit of length. It is defined as the distance light travels in an absolute vacuum in one full month (thirty days of 86,400 seconds each) or 777,062,051,136,000 metres ( 777 Tm). Explanation Note that… … Wikipedia
Light-second — A light second is a unit of length. It is defined as the distance light travels in an absolute vacuum in one second or 299,792,458 meters. Note that this value is considered exact, since the meter is actually (as of 1983) defined in terms of the… … Wikipedia
Light-hour — A light hour (also written light hour) is a unit of length. It is the distance travelled by light in vacuum in one hour. Based on the current definition of the metre a light hour is equal to 1,079,252,848,800 metres ( 1.08 Tm).This distance can… … Wikipedia
Light-minute — A light minute (also written light minute) is a unit of length. It is defined as the distance light travels in an absolute vacuum in one minute or 17,987,547,480 metres ( 18 Gm). Note that this value is exact, since the metre is actually defined… … Wikipedia
day-glo colors — or DayGlo colors Also called fluorescent colors and neon colors, day glo colors are especially bright, clean materials which can be much brighter than conventional colors. They were first developed in the 1930s, finding their way into magic … Glossary of Art Terms
light second — a unit of distance equal to the distance light travels in a vacuum in one second. In accordance with the official definition of the meter, this distance is exactly 299 792 458 meters (about 186 282.4 miles). Similarly, a light minute is 60… … Dictionary of units of measurement