- Lib-Lab
- [͵lıbʹlæb] n
«либ-лаб», сторонник союза либералов и лейбористов (в Великобритании)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Lib.-Lab. — Lib Lab «LIHB LAB», adjective. British. of, having to do with, or involving both the Liberal Party and the Labour Party: »We have rejected timorous and defeatist proposals for a Lib Lab alliance (Manchester Guardian Weekly). Lib. Lab., Liberal… … Useful english dictionary
lib-lab — agg.inv., s.m. e f.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS polit. agg.inv., di posizione politica, che combina istanze liberali e laburiste | agg.inv., s.m. e f.inv., fautore, sostenitore di tale posizione {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1980. ETIMO: comp. di… … Dizionario italiano
Lib-Lab — adj of any agreement between the Liberal Party (or Liberal Democratic Party) and the Labour Party in Britain. The Lib Lab pact (1977–8) was an agreement between David Steel of the Liberal Party and James Callaghan of the Labour government to work … Universalium
Lib-Lab pact — ➡ Lib Lab * * * … Universalium
Lib-Lab|ber|y — «LIHB LAB uhr ee, LAB ree», noun. British. alliance between the Liberal Party and the Labour Party. ╂[< Lib Lab + ery] … Useful english dictionary
Lib-Lab pact — The Lib Lab pact has been a working arrangement between the UK s political parties of the Liberals (later Liberal Democrats) and the Labour Party.There have been four such arrangements, and one alleged proposal, at the national level. In many… … Wikipedia
lib-lab — adj. Brit. hist. Liberal and Labour. Etymology: abbr … Useful english dictionary
Lab — Sn erw. fach. (10. Jh.), mhd. lap, ahd. lab, mndd. lip, laff Stammwort. Daneben mit Schwundstufe ahd. kāsilubba f., kāsilubbi, ae. (cӯs )lyb(b), mndl. lebbe, lib(be); wieder anders ndd. slibber, slipper, nhd. (regional) Schlipper(milch)… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
Lab'aia — (Labaya, Labayu oder Lib ayu) ist ein in den Amarna Briefen genannter Herrscher von Sichem in der mittleren Bronzezeit. Er lebte teilweise gleichzeitig mit Pharao Echnaton. Er schrieb selbst einige Briefe an den Pharao (EA 252 254). Die Amarna… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Liberal-Labour (UK) — Lib Lab(s) redirects here. See Lib Lab pact for UK Liberal Party Labour Party agreements and LibLab for the Norwegian think tank. The Liberal Labour movement refers to the practice of local Liberal associations accepting and supporting candidates … Wikipedia
Bethnal Green North East (UK Parliament constituency) — Bethnal Green North East Former Borough constituency for the House of Commons 1885 (1885)–1950 (1950) … Wikipedia