- breastfeed
- [ʹbrestfi:d] v
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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
breastfeed — ► VERB (breastfeeds, breastfeeding, breastfed) ▪ feed (a baby) with milk from the breast … English terms dictionary
breastfeed — UK [ˈbrestˌfiːd] / US [ˈbrestˌfɪd] verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms breastfeed : present tense I/you/we/they breastfeed he/she/it breastfeeds present participle breastfeeding past tense breastfed UK [ˈbrestˌfed] / US past participle… … English dictionary
breastfeed — breast·feed or breast feed (brĕstʹfēd ) v. breast ·fed, ( fĕd ) breast ·feed·ing, breast ·feeds v. tr. To feed (a baby) mother s milk from the breast; suckle. v. intr. To breastfeed a baby. * * * … Universalium
breastfeed — verb Breastfeed is used with these nouns as the object: ↑baby, ↑infant … Collocations dictionary
breastfeed — verb To feed a baby milk via the breasts; to suckle … Wiktionary
breastfeed — breast|feed [ brest,fid ] (past tense and past participle breast|fed [ brest,fed ] ) verb intransitive or transitive to feed a baby with milk from your breasts instead of BOTTLE FEEDING it ╾ breast|feed|ing noun uncount … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
breastfeed — see breast feed … English dictionary
breastfeed — breast feed || brestfɪËd feed a baby milk from a breast, suckle, nurse a baby … English contemporary dictionary
breastfeed — verb (past and past participle breastfed) feed (a baby) with milk from the breast. ↘(of a baby) feed from the breast … English new terms dictionary
breastfeed — [ˈbrestˌfiːd] (past tense and past participle breastfed [ˈbrestˌfed] ) verb [I/T] to feed a baby with milk from your breasts breastfeeding noun [U] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
breastfeed — [c]/ˈbrɛstfid / (say brestfeed) verb (breastfed, breastfeeding) –verb (t) 1. to feed (a child) from the breast (opposed to bottle feed). –verb (i) 2. to feed a child in this manner. 3. (of a baby) to feed from the breast (opposed to bottle feed) …