- leg-of-mutton
- [͵legəvʹmʌtn] a
широкий сверху и суживающийся книзу
leg-of-mutton sail - треугольный парус
leg-of-mutton sleeve - рукав, пышный у плеча и узкий от локтя до запястья
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
leg-of-mutton sail - треугольный парус
leg-of-mutton sleeve - рукав, пышный у плеча и узкий от локтя до запястья
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
leg-of-mutton — /leg euh mut n, euhv /, adj. having the triangular shape of a leg of mutton: leg of mutton sail; a dress with leg of mutton sleeves. Also, leg o mutton. [1830 40] * * * … Universalium
Leg-of-mutton — Leg of mut ton, a. Having the general shape or outline of a leg of mutton; as, a leg of mutton, or shoulder of mutton, sail. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
leg-of-mutton — leg′ of mut′ton or leg′ o mut′ton adj. 1) having the triangular shape of a leg of mutton: a leg of mutton sail[/ex] 2) clo (of the sleeve of a dress or blouse) full and puffed from shoulder to elbow and then tightly fitted from elbow to wrist •… … From formal English to slang
leg-of-mutton — [leg′əv mut′ n] adj. shaped somewhat like a leg of mutton; specif., designating a sleeve that puffs out toward the shoulder … English World dictionary
leg-of-mutton — adjective or leg o mutton | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ : having the general shape or outline of a leg of mutton; especially : having a full upper arm and a fitted lower arm and wrist used of the sleeve of a woman s garment * * * /leg euh mut n, euhv /, adj … Useful english dictionary
leg-of-mutton — or leg o mutton adjective Date: 1840 having the approximately triangular shape or outline of a leg of mutton < a leg of mutton sleeve > < a leg of mutton sail > … New Collegiate Dictionary
leg-of-mutton — /lɛg ə ˈmʌtn/ (say leg uh mutn) adjective 1. having the triangular shape of a leg of mutton, as a sail, etc. 2. (of a sleeve) very full at the shoulder then narrowing so as to be closely fitting at the wrist …
leg-o'-mutton — adjective see leg of mutton … New Collegiate Dictionary
leg-o'-mutton — adjective see leg of mutton … Useful english dictionary
Leg of mutton nude — Double Nude Portrait: The Artist and his Second Wife 1937 (also known as the leg of mutton nude portrait) is an oil on canvas painting by British artist Stanley Spencer. It depicts Spencer and his soon to be second wife, Patricia Preece, beside a … Wikipedia
leg-of-mutton sail — noun : a triangular sail with its apex at the masthead * * * leg of mutton sail, triangular sail with its head at the masthead, and not set on a gaff or yard … Useful english dictionary