- laughing-stock
- [ʹlɑ:fıŋstɒk] n
to make a laughing-stock of smb. - сделать кого-л. посмешищем, выставить кого-л. в смешном виде
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to make a laughing-stock of smb. - сделать кого-л. посмешищем, выставить кого-л. в смешном виде
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Laughing Stock — Студийный альбом Talk Tal … Википедия
Laughing Stock — Studioalbum von Talk Talk Veröffentlichung 16. September 1991 Aufnahme 1990 91 Label … Deutsch Wikipedia
laughing stock — laughing stocks also laughing stock N COUNT If you say that a person or an organization has become a laughing stock, you mean that they are supposed to be important or serious but have been made to seem ridiculous. The truth must never get out.… … English dictionary
laughing-stock — also laughingstock; 1510s, formed by analogy with whipping stock whipping post, later also object of frequent whipping (but that word is not attested in writing in this sense until 1670s). See LAUGHING (Cf. laughing) + STOCK (Cf. stock) (n.2) … Etymology dictionary
laughing stock — also laugh|ing|stock AmE [ˈla:fıŋstɔk US ˈlæfıŋsta:k] n someone who is a laughing stock has done something so silly that people have no respect for them ▪ The programme has made the U.S. a laughingstock … Dictionary of contemporary English
Laughing Stock — Album par Talk Talk Sortie 19 novembre 1991 Enregistrement septembre 1990 avril 1991 Durée 43:25 Genre post rock Producteur … Wikipédia en Français
laughing stock — If someone becomes a laughing stock they do something so stupid or wrong that no one can take them seriously and people scorn and laugh at them … The small dictionary of idiomes
laughing stock — [n] object of ridicule Aunt Sally, butt, dupe, fair game, fall guy*, fool, goat*, joke, laughingstock, stooge, target, victim; concept 412 … New thesaurus
laughing stock — ► NOUN ▪ a person subjected to general ridicule … English terms dictionary
laughing stock — [noun] figure of fun, Aunt Sally (Brit.), butt, target, victim * * * ▶ noun FIGURE OF FUN, dupe, butt, stooge, Aunt Sally; informal fall guy. * * * laughing stock noun An object of ridicule • • • Main Entry: ↑laugh * * * laug … Useful english dictionary
Laughing Stock — Infobox Album | Name = Laughing Stock Type = Studio album Artist = Talk Talk Released = November 19, 1991 Recorded = 1990–91 at Wessex Studios, London Genre = Post rock Art rock Ambient music Length = 43:25 Label = Verve Records Polydor Records… … Wikipedia