- lap-dog
- [ʹlæpdɒg] n
декоративная собачка (болонка, левретка и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
lap-dog — lap dog, 1. a small pet dog. 2. a fawning flatterer; toady. lap dog «LAP DG», adjective. flattering in a fawning manner: »lap dog acceptance of his employer s attitudes … Useful english dictionary
lap dog — lap|dog [ˈlæpdɔg US do:g] n 1.) a small pet dog 2.) someone who is completely under the control of someone else and will do anything they say used to show disapproval … Dictionary of contemporary English
lap dog — A lap dog is a person who is eager to please another at the expense of his or her own needs in order to maintain a position of privilege or favor … The small dictionary of idiomes
lap dog — lap′ dog n. dch a small pet dog that can be held in the lap • Etymology: 1635–45 … From formal English to slang
lap dog — 1. any pet dog small enough to be held in the lap 2. a fawning or submissive person: Also written lapdog n … English World dictionary
Lap dog — Infobox Dogbreed name = Lap Dog Type image caption = Reclining Woman and Her Lapdog, Isfahan, Iran (British Museum) Circa 1640| A lap dog (lapdog) is a dog that is small enough to be held in the arms or lie comfortably on a person s lap. Lapdogs… … Wikipedia
lap dog — a small pet dog that can easily be held in the lap. [1635 45] * * * lap dog, 1. a small pet dog. 2. a fawning flatterer; toady. lap dog «LAP DG», adjective. flattering in a fawning manner: »lap dog acceptance of his employer s attitudes … Useful english dictionary
lap·dog — /ˈlæpˌdɑːg/ noun, pl dogs [count] 1 : a dog that is small enough to be held in a person s lap 2 : a weak person who is controlled by someone else His coworkers regarded him as the boss s lap dog … Useful english dictionary
lap dog — a small pet dog that can easily be held in the lap. [1635 45] * * * … Universalium
lap dog — small dog, miniature breed of dog … English contemporary dictionary
lap — 1. n. 1 a the front of the body from the waist to the knees of a sitting person (sat on her lap; caught it in his lap). b the clothing, esp. a skirt, covering the lap. c the front of a skirt held up to catch or contain something. 2 a hollow among … Useful english dictionary