- Kincardineshire
- [kınʹkɑ:dınʃıə] n геогр.
Кинкардиншир (графство Шотландии)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Kincardineshire — (spr. kingkārdĭnschĭr, Mearns), Grafschaft im nordöstlichen Schottland, grenzt im N. und NW. an Aberdeenshire, im SW. an Forfarshire, erstreckt sich von der Nordsee bis zum Kamm der Grampians und hat einen Flächenraum von 1005 qkm (18,2 QM.) mit… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Kincardineshire — KINCARDINESHIRE, or The Mearns, a maritime county, in the east of Scotland, bounded on the north west by the river Dee and part of Aberdeenshire, on the east and south east by the German Ocean, and on the south west by the county of Forfar. It … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
Kincardineshire — Kincardine County (until circa 1890) Country Scotland … Wikipedia
Kincardineshire — Lage von Kincardineshire in Schottland Kincardineshire ist eine der traditionellen Grafschaften von Schottland, gelegen an der Nordsee südlich von Aberdeen. Sie ist nach der nicht mehr existierenden mittelalterlichen Stadt Kincardine benannt. Die … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kincardineshire — Localisation du Kincardineshire sur une carte de l Écosse. Le Kincardineshire était un comté d Écosse jusqu en 1975. Sa capitale était Stonehaven … Wikipédia en Français
Kincardineshire — ▪ former county, Scotland, United Kingdom also called Kincardine or the Mearns historic county in northeastern Scotland, along the North Sea coast south of Aberdeen. It is part of the Aberdeenshire council area. Kincardine is the… … Universalium
kincardineshire — kə̇nˈkärdənˌshi(ə)r, kiŋˈ , shər adjective or kincardine Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: from Kincardineshire or Kincardine county, Scotland : of or from the county of Kincardine, Scotland : of the kind or style prevalent in Kincardine … Useful english dictionary
Kincardineshire (UK Parliament constituency) — UK former constituency infobox Name = Kincardineshire Type = County Year = 1708 Abolition = 1918 members = oneKincardineshire, was a constituency of the House of Commons of the Parliament of Great Britain from 1708 to 1801 and of the Parliament… … Wikipedia
Kincardineshire — geographical name see Kincardine … New Collegiate Dictionary
KINCARDINESHIRE — (35), east coast Scottish county, lying between Aberdeen and Forfar, faces the North Sea, with precipitous cliffs; has much fertile soil under corn, green crops, and small fruit, also pasture and grazing land where cattle are reared; the… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
kincardineshire — kin·car·dine·shire … English syllables