- Karelia
- [kəʹri:lıə] n геогр.
Republic of Karelia - Республика Карелия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Republic of Karelia - Республика Карелия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Karelia — (Karelian and Finnish Karjala , ru. Карелия ( Kareliya ), sv. Karelen), the land of the Karelian peoples, is an area in Northern Europe of historical significance for Finland, Russia, and Sweden. It is currently divided between the Russian… … Wikipedia
Karelia — (engl., russ. für Karelien) ist Karelia (Suite), Suite von Jean Sibelius für Orchester op. 11 (1893) The Karelia, eine Band bei Drakkar Entertainment Karelia (Band), französische Heavy Metal Band Volkstheater Karelia in Petrosawodsk K 18 Karelia … Deutsch Wikipedia
Karelia — (o Carelia) es un área geográfica en Europa del norte, que en la actualidad está dividida entre Finlandia (regiones de Karelia del Norte y Karelia del Sur) y Rusia (República de Karelia y óblast de Leningrado). En los idiomas karelio, finés y … Enciclopedia Universal
Karelia — → Carelia … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
Karelia — [kə rēl′yə; ] Russ [ kä rē′lē ä] region in N Europe between the Gulf of Finland and the White Sea, constituting an autonomous republic of Russia: 66,564 sq mi (172,400 sq km); pop. 789,000 … English World dictionary
Karelia — /keuh reel yeuh/; Russ. /ku rddye lyi yeuh/, n. 1. a region in the NW Russian Federation in Europe, comprising Lake Ladoga and Onega Lake and the adjoining area along the E border of Finland. 2. See Karelian Autonomous Republic. * * * ▪ republic … Universalium
Karelia — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Karelia, œuvre musicale de Jean Sibelius. Karelia, groupe de heavy metal français. Voir aussi Carélie Catégorie : Homo … Wikipédia en Français
Karelia — noun a) A region to the north of Saint Petersburg in Russia and Finland. b) An autonomous republic of Russia, official name the Republic of Karelia. See Also: Kareli, Karelian … Wiktionary
Karelia (historical province of Finland) — Karelia (historically also Swedish Karelia ) is a historical province of Finland. It refers to the Western Karelia that during the second millennium have been under western dominance, religiously and politically. Western, i.e. Finnish Karelia is… … Wikipedia
Karelia (disambiguation) — Karelia can refer to* Karelia, the land of Karelians, in its most general sense * Republic of Karelia an autonomous republic in Russia ( Eastern Karelia ) ** Karelo Finnish SSR a Soviet Republic (1940 1956) ** East Karelia the cultural root of… … Wikipedia
Karelia Brigade — ( Karjalan Prikaati ) is one of the three Finnish Army readiness brigades. It is located in the Eastern Command at Valkeala. With some three thousand soldiers it is the second largest brigade in Finland. Karelia Brigade is currently commanded by… … Wikipedia