- Kanchenjunga
- [͵kʌntʃən͵dʒʌngə] n геогр.
Mount Kanchenjunga - гора Канченджанга
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mount Kanchenjunga - гора Канченджанга
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Kanchenjunga — visto desde Gangtok País … Wikipedia Español
Kanchenjunga — (también escrito Kangchenjunga, Kangchen Dzö nga, Khangchendzonga, Kanchenjanga, Kachendzonga, o Kangchanfanga) es la tercera montaña más alta del mundo y la segunda más alta del Nepal, situada en el distrito de Taplejung. Kanchenjunga se traduce … Enciclopedia Universal
Kanchenjunga — prop. n. A mountain in India and Nepal, 28,146 feet high. [proper name] Syn: Kanchanjanga, Kinchinjunga. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kanchenjunga — [kän′chən jooŋ′gə] mountain in the E Himalayas, on the Nepal Sikkim border: 3d highest mountain in the world: 28,168 ft (8,586 m) … English World dictionary
Kanchenjunga — /kahn cheuhn joong geuh/, n. a mountain in S Asia, between NE India and Nepal, in the E Himalayas: third highest in the world. 28,146 ft. (8579 m). Also, Kanchanjanga /kahn cheuhn jahng geuh/. * * * Peak in the Himalayas. The world s third… … Universalium
Kanchenjunga — pd1pd3pd5 Kangchendzönga Kangchendzönga von Gangtok aus Höhe 8.586 m … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kanchenjunga — Kangchenjunga Kangchenjunga Le Kangchendzonga au matin vu depuis Chouda Pheri Géographie Altitude 8 586 m … Wikipédia en Français
Kanchenjunga — noun a mountain the Himalayas on the border between Nepal and Tibet (28,208 feet high) • Syn: ↑Mount Kanchenjunga, ↑Kanchanjanga, ↑Kinchinjunga • Instance Hypernyms: ↑mountain peak • Part Holonyms: ↑H … Useful english dictionary
Kanchenjunga expedition (1905) — The 1905 Kanchenjunga expedition was a Himalayan mountaineering expedition up Kanchenjunga, a peak easily accessible at the time. Higher attempts were in areas cut off politically or geographically.The party consisted of : * Aleister Crowley *… … Wikipedia
Kanchenjunga-Südgipfel — Koordinaten fehlen! Hilf mit.f4 Kangchendzönga Südgipfel Kangchendzönga Westgipfel, Hauptgipfel … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kanchenjunga South — Koordinaten fehlen! Hilf mit.f4 Kangchendzönga Südgipfel Kangchendzönga Westgipfel, Hauptgipfel … Deutsch Wikipedia