bread wheat
Смотреть что такое "bread wheat" в других словарях:
bread wheat — noun : any wheat (as club wheat) suitable for making into bread flour * * * bread wheat, any wheat commonly used in making bread … Useful english dictionary
bread wheat — paprastasis kvietys statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Lietuvoje auginamų kviečių rūšis, priklausanti miglinių (Poaceae), seniau varpinių (Gramineae), šeimai. Būna žieminiai (angl. winter wheat, fall wheat, rus. озимая пшеница) ir… … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
bread wheat — paprastasis kvietys statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Miglinių šeimos grūdinis, krakmolinis, maistinis, pašarinis, pluoštinis, vaistinis kultūrinis nuodingas augalas (Triticum aestivum), grūdai naudojami maistui, gėrimams gaminti. atitikmenys … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
WHEAT — WHEAT, grain belonging to the genus Triticum, of which many species exist. Several species of Triticum are grown in Israel, some called ḥittah (pl. ḥittim) and others kussemet, kusmin, and shippon (for this identification see five species ). (1)… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
wheat — [hwēt, wēt] n. [ME whete < OE hwæte, akin to Ger weizen < IE base * kweid , to gleam, bright, WHITE: from the white seed] 1. any of several cereal grasses (genus Triticum) having dense, erect spikes containing grains which thresh free of… … English World dictionary
Wheat — This article is about the plant. For other uses, see Wheat (disambiguation). Wheat Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranke … Wikipedia
wheat — paprastasis kvietys statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Miglinių šeimos grūdinis, krakmolinis, maistinis, pašarinis, pluoštinis, vaistinis kultūrinis nuodingas augalas (Triticum aestivum), grūdai naudojami maistui, gėrimams gaminti. atitikmenys … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
BREAD — (Heb. לֶחֶם, leḥem), a baked commodity from a cereal flour. The primary sense of leḥem is food in general (Gen. 37:25; Num. 28:2; I Kings 5:2; etc.). The Ugaritic lḥm has the same general sense and the same particular sense, while the Arabic… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Wheat allergy — Wheat allergy, also known as wheat hypersensitivity is most commonly a food allergy, but can also be a respiratory or contact allergy resulting from occupational exposure. Like all allergies wheat allergy involves IgE and mast cell response.… … Wikipedia
Bread roll — Bread rolls at a bakery German style bread rolls A … Wikipedia
Wheat — (hw[=e]t), n. [OE. whete, AS. hw[=ae]te; akin to OS. hw[=e]ti, D. weit, G. weizen, OHG. weizzi, Icel. hveiti, Sw. hvete, Dan. hvede, Goth. hwaiteis, and E. white. See {White}.] (Bot.) A cereal grass ({Triticum vulgare}) and its grain, which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English