- Johnny-jump-up
- [͵dʒɒnıʹdʒʌmpʌp] n амер.
лесная весенняя фиалка, особ. фиалка пальчатая (Viola palmata)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
johnny-jump-up — johnny jump up; Johnny jump up; … English syllables
Johnny-jump-up — ☆ Johnny jump up [jän′ējump′up΄ ] n. 1. WILD PANSY 2. DAFFODIL 3. any of various American violets … English World dictionary
Johnny-jump-up — noun 1. common violet of the eastern United States with large pale blue or purple flowers resembling pansies • Syn: ↑bird s foot violet, ↑pansy violet, ↑wood violet, ↑Viola pedata • Hypernyms: ↑violet 2. a common and long cultivated European herb … Useful english dictionary
Johnny-jump-up — John′ny jump′ up n. pl. Johnny jump ups 1) pln any of various American violets, esp Viola pedunculata[/ex] 2) pln a small form of the pansy Viola tricolor[/ex] • Etymology: 1835–45, amer … From formal English to slang
Johnny Jump Up — The term Johnny Jump Up can refer to:* A number of species of violet ( Viola sp. ), including: ** Viola tricolor , also known as heartsease ** Viola cornuta , also known as the tufted pansy ** Viola pedunculata also known as the California golden … Wikipedia
johnny-jump-up — trispalvė našlaitė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Našlaitinių šeimos daržovinis, dekoratyvinis, maistinis, vaistinis augalas (Viola tricolor), paplitęs Europoje ir vakarų Azijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Viola tricolor angl. European wild pansy; … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
johnny jump — noun Usage: usually capitalized 1st J Etymology: from the name Johnny + jump, v.; from the rapid growth : shooting star … Useful english dictionary
Johnny-jump-up — /jon ee jump up /, n. 1. any of certain violets, esp. Viola pedunculata, having variously colored flowers. 2. a small form of the pansy, V. tricolor. [1835 45, Amer.; so called from its rapid rate of growth; see JOHNNY] * * * … Universalium
Johnny-jump-up — noun Date: 1842 1. a common cultivated European viola (Viola tricolor) which has short spurred flowers usually blue or purple mixed with white and yellow and from which most of the garden pansies are derived; broadly any of various small flowered … New Collegiate Dictionary
Johnny-jump-up — noun One of several violets in the Viola family … Wiktionary
Johnny-jump-up — Everyday English Slang in Ireland n pint of guinness mixed with Bulmers (cider) … English dialects glossary