- jinni
- [dʒıʹni:,ʹdʒını] n (pl jinn) = jinn 2)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
jinni — [ji nē′, jin′ē] n. pl. jinn 〚Ar jinnī, pl. jinn〛 Muslim Folklore a supernatural being that can take human or animal form and influence human affairs * * * jin·ni or jin·nee also djin·n … Universalium
jinni — [ji nē′, jin′ē] n. pl. jinn [Ar jinnī, pl. jinn] Muslim Folklore a supernatural being that can take human or animal form and influence human affairs … English World dictionary
Jinni — Jinnee Jin nee, Jinni Jin ni(j[i^]n n[=e]), n.; pl. {Jinn} (j[i^]n). [Ar.] (Arabian & Mohammedan Myth.) A genius or demon; one of the fabled genii, good and evil spirits, supposed to be the children of fire, and to have the power of assuming… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
jinni — or jinn; also djinni or djinn noun (plural jinn or jinns; also djinn or djinns) Etymology: Arabic jinnī demon Date: 1684 1. one of a class of spirits that according to Muslim demonology inhabit the earth, assume various forms, and exercise… … New Collegiate Dictionary
jinni — (singular); jinn, jinns (plural) (JIH nee, jin, jins) [Arabic: demon] In Islamic mythology, a supernatural spirit able to assume animal or human form, said to be responsible for many of the ills that befall humans. With the appropriate magic,… … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
jinni — noun a supernatural being with extraordinary powers that usually takes human form and serves its summoner: djinn, genie … Wiktionary
jinni — Synonyms and related words: Baba Yaga, Lilith, afreet, barghest, cacodemon, daeva, demon, devil, dybbuk, evil genius, evil spirit, fiend, fiend from hell, genie, genius, ghoul, gyre, hellion, incubus, jinniyeh, lamia, rakshasa, satan, shedu,… … Moby Thesaurus
jinni — n. (Islamic Mythology) spirit able to supernaturally influence mankind (also jinn) … English contemporary dictionary
jinni — jin·ni … English syllables
jinni — noun (Islam) an invisible spirit mentioned in the Koran and believed by Muslims to inhabit the earth and influence mankind by appearing in the form of humans or animals • Syn: ↑genie, ↑jinnee, ↑djinni, ↑djinny, ↑djinn • Topics: ↑Islam, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
The Fisherman and the Jinni — is the second top level story told by Shahrazad in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights.ynopsisThere was an old, poor fisherman who caste his net four times a day and only four times. One day he went to the shore and cast his net. When he… … Wikipedia