- brawny
- [ʹbrɔ:nı] a
1. мускулистый; сильный, дюжий
brawny arm - сильная /мускулистая/ рука
2. затверделый, затвердевший
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
brawny arm - сильная /мускулистая/ рука
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Brawny — Brawn y, a. Having large, strong muscles; muscular; fleshy; strong. Brawny limbs. W. Irving. [1913 Webster] Syn: Muscular; fleshy; strong; bulky; sinewy; athletic; stalwart; powerful; robust. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Brawny — may refer to:*a US brand of paper towel rolls [http://www.brawnytowels.com/] *a type of body image ( is the adjective to ) … Wikipedia
brawny — index powerful, strong Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
brawny — (adj.) 1590s, characterized by muscle, from BRAWN (Cf. brawn) + Y (Cf. y) (2) … Etymology dictionary
brawny — *muscular, burly, husky, sinewy, athletic Analogous words: stalwart, *strong, sturdy, stout, tough: *fleshy Antonyms: scrawny Contrasted words: lanky, lank, gaunt, rawboned, *lean, spare, skinny: *thin, slende … New Dictionary of Synonyms
brawny — [adj] muscular, strong able bodied, athletic, beefy, bulky, burly, fleshy, hardy, hefty, husky, powerful, robust, sinewy, stalwart, strapping, sturdy, thewy, tough, vigorous, vital; concepts 485,489 Ant. frail, skinny, slight, thin, weak … New thesaurus
brawny — [brônē] adj. brawnier, brawniest [< BRAWN] strong and muscular brawniness n … English World dictionary
brawny — Thickened (lichenified) and dusky (a darkened hue), as of a swelling. [M.E. fleshy] * * * brawny brȯ nē adj, brawn·i·er; est being swollen and hard <a brawny infected foot> … Medical dictionary
brawny — [[t]brɔ͟ːni[/t]] ADJ Someone who is brawny is strong and has big muscles. Oscar turned out to be a brawny young man. Syn: strapping … English dictionary
brawny — UK [ˈbrɔːnɪ] / US [ˈbrɔnɪ] adjective Word forms brawny : adjective brawny comparative brawnier superlative brawniest physically strong, with big muscles … English dictionary
brawny — adjective (brawnier; est) Date: 1581 1. muscular; also strong, powerful 2. being swollen and hard < a brawny infected foot > • brawnily adverb • brawniness … New Collegiate Dictionary