Смотреть что такое "Istria" в других словарях:
ISTRIA — ISTRIA, peninsula in the N. Adriatic. The first Jewish settlement dates to the Middle Ages. In 1380 Jews opened a bank at Capodistria. Later Jews settled at Isola, Pirano, Rovigno, Pola, and Veglia. A number of Jews from Germany settled in Istria … Encyclopedia of Judaism
ISTRIA — incolis Istria, Gallis Istrie Germanis Hysterreich, Italiae reg. post flexum Hadriatici sinûs Illyrico contermina, quae in latitudine sexaginta mill. pass. in circuitu centum viginti quinque milia complectitur. Sub Venetis. Terminatur a Sept.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Istria — bezeichnet einen Asteroiden, siehe (183) Istria die Halbinsel Istrien ein Dorf in Rumänien, siehe Istria (Constanța) eine antike Stadt, siehe Histria (Schwarzes Meer) Diese Seite ist eine Begr … Deutsch Wikipedia
Istria — es una península que se encuentra al Sur de Europa en el Adriático, situada entre los golfos de Trieste y Quarnaro. Pertenece a Croacia excepto el Noroeste que pertence a Eslovenia. Tiene una extensión de 3.700 km² * * * Istria, península de … Enciclopedia Universal
Istria — [is′trē ə] peninsula in W Slovenia & Croatia, projecting into the N Adriatic, formerly including part of the area around Trieste: also Istrian Peninsula Istrian adj., n … English World dictionary
Istria — This article is about a geographical region bordering the Adriatic Sea. For information on the asteroid, see 183 Istria. For the commune in Romania, see Istria, Constanţa. : This article is about the entire Istrian peninsula and region, for… … Wikipedia
Istria — Península de Istria Vista de satélite Localización administrativa País … Wikipedia Español
Istria — Istrian, adj., n. /is tree euh/; It. /ees trddyah/, n. a peninsula at the N end of the Adriatic, in SW Slovenia and W Croatia. Also called Istrian Peninsula. * * * Peninsula, extending into the northeastern Adriatic Sea. It has an area of 1,220… … Universalium
Istria — Istrie Carte de l Istrie L Istrie (en croate et en slovène Istra, en italien Istria, anciennement Histria en latin) est une péninsule de l Adriatique … Wikipédia en Français
Istria — Original name in latin Istria Name in other language Caranasuf, Caranasut, Histria, Istria, Istrus, Karanasuf State code RO Continent/City Europe/Bucharest longitude 44.56667 latitude 28.71667 altitude 15 Population 2591 Date 2012 06 12 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Istria — Mountainous peninsula in the northern Adriatic Sea (q.v.) between the gulfs ofTrieste and Fiume. The Ostrogoths (q.v.) seized it in 493. The forces of Justinian I (q.v.) reconquered it in 539. The Lombards (q.v.), who invaded Italy (q.v.) in… … Historical dictionary of Byzantium