- Isadore
- [ʹızədɔ:] n
Изадор; Исидор (мужское имя)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Isadore — ist der Name folgender Personen: Isadore Freed (1900–1960), US amerikanischer Komponist Louis Isadore Kahn (1901–1974), US amerikanischer Architekt, Stadtplaner und Hochschullehrer Joseph Isadore Lieberman (* 1942), US amerikanischer Politiker… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isadore Twersky — (a.k.a. Yitzhak Asher Twersky) (1930 ndash;October 12, 1997) was the Nathan Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy at Harvard University, a chair previously held by Harry Austryn Wolfson. Twersky was an internationally recognized… … Wikipedia
Isadore Singer — Isadore Singer, 1977 Isadore Manual Singer (* 3. Mai 1924 in Detroit) ist ein Mathematiker mit Spezialgebiet Analysis am Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Leben und Wirken Singer studierte an der University of Michi … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isadore Nabi — (sometimes Isidore Nabi or Isador Nabi ) was a pseudonym used by a group of scientists including Richard Lewontin, Richard Levins, Robert MacArthur, and Leigh van Valen in the 1960s. Inspired by the work of Nicholas Bourbaki, they allegedly hoped … Wikipedia
Isadore M. Singer — Isadore Singer Ne doit pas être confondu avec Isidore Singer. Isadore Singer en 1977. Isadore Singer est un mathématicien … Wikipédia en Français
Isadore Singer — Isadore Manuel Singer (24 de abril de 1924) es un matemático estadounidense, profesor en el departamento de matemáticas de MIT, y conocido por su trabajo con Michael Atiyah en el desarrollo del teorema de Atiyah Singer sobre índices analíticos.… … Wikipedia Español
Isadore M. Singer — Isadore Singer, 1977 Isadore Manual Singer (* 3. Mai 1924 in Detroit) ist ein US amerikanischer Mathematiker mit Spezialgebiet Analysis am Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Leben und Wirken Singer studierte an der Univers … Deutsch Wikipedia
Isadore "Ike" Bayles — (February 20, 1876 May 31, 1956) was an Alaskan businessman and considered one of the founding fathers of Anchorage, Alaska. Early life Isadore Bayles was born in Libau, Courland (Latvia) in 1876. He was the youngest of six children born to the… … Wikipedia
Isadore Klein — Isadore dit Izzy Klein est un auteur scénariste et animateur américain, né le 12 octobre 1897 et décédé en 1986. Il était membre de la légendaire équipe des Nine Old Men des studios Disney. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Filmographie 2.1 Comme Animateur … Wikipédia en Français
Isadore, Michigan — Isadore is a small unincorporated community in south central Leelanau County in the U.S. state of Michigan. It began when Polish immigrants arrived from Milwaukee, Wisconsin in about 1870 and settled into farming in the area. The first Roman… … Wikipedia
Isadore Sparber — was an American storyboard artist, writer, director and producer of animated films. He is best known for his work with Fleischer Studios and its successor, Famous Studios. His work (when credited) appeared with different versions of his name… … Wikipedia