Смотреть что такое "bratticing" в других словарях:
bratticing — brattˈicing or brattˈishing noun 1. Work in the form of brattices 2. Cresting or ornamental work along a ridge, cornice or coping (architecture) • • • Main Entry: ↑brattice … Useful english dictionary
brat|tish|ing — «BRAT uh shihng», noun. = bratticing. (Cf. ↑bratticing) … Useful english dictionary
bartizan — bartizaned /bahr teuh zeuhnd, bahr teuh zand /, adj. /bahr teuh zeuhn, bahr teuh zan /, n. Archit. a small overhanging turret on a wall or tower. [1325 75; ME alter. of bertisene, misspelling of bretising, var. of BRATTICING. See BRATTICE, ING1]… … Universalium
brattice — /brat is/, n., v., bratticed, bratticing. n. 1. a partition or lining, as of planks or cloth, forming an air passage in a mine. 2. (in medieval architecture) any temporary wooden fortification, esp. at the top of a wall. [1300 50; ME brutaske,… … Universalium
brattice — /ˈbrætəs/ (say bratuhs) noun 1. a partition or lining, as of planks or cloth to confine the air and force it into the working faces of a mine. –verb (t) (bratticed, bratticing) 2. to provide with a brattice; line with planks or cloth. {Middle… …
brattishing — /ˈbrætəʃɪŋ/ (say bratuhshing) noun ornamental work along the cornice or coping of a building. Also, bratticing. {alteration of brattice + ing1} …
brattice — [brat′is] n. [ME bretice, bretasce < OFr bretesche, wooden tower < ML brittisca; prob. < OHG brittissa, lattice, balcony < bret, board] 1. Historical a temporary breastwork or parapet put up during a siege 2. Mining a partition of… … English World dictionary
bartizan — n. Archit. a battlemented parapet or an overhanging corner turret at the top of a castle or church tower. Derivatives: bartizaned adj. Etymology: var. of bertisene, erron. spelling of bratticing: see BRATTICE … Useful english dictionary
bar|ti|zan — «BAHR tuh zuhn, BAHR tuh ZAN», noun. a small, overhanging turret on a wall or tower. ╂[apparently a variant of bratticing < brattice; used by Sir Walter Scott] … Useful english dictionary
braddishing — obs. form of bratticing … Useful english dictionary
bratishing — obs. form of bratticing … Useful english dictionary