- innards
- [ʹınədz] n pl
1. внутренние органы человека или животного, внутренности2. внутренняя часть строения или механизма
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
innards — n. The internal organs of an animal collectively especially those in the abdominal cavity. Syn: viscera. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
innards — 1825, innerds, dialectal variant of inwards the bowels (c.1300); see INWARD (Cf. inward) … Etymology dictionary
innards — [n] internal organs bowels, entrails, guts, insides, intestines, numbles, viscera, vital organs; concept 393 … New thesaurus
innards — ► PLURAL NOUN informal 1) internal organs; entrails. 2) the internal workings of a device or machine. ORIGIN representing a dialect pronunciation of INWARDS(Cf. ↑inwards) … English terms dictionary
innards — [in′ərdz] pl.n. [altered < INWARDS] [Informal or Dial.] Informal Dial. 1. the internal organs of the body; viscera; entrails 2. the inner parts of anything … English World dictionary
innards — [[t]ɪ̱nə(r)dz[/t]] 1) N PLURAL: usu with poss The innards of a person or animal are the organs inside their body. [INFORMAL] 2) N PLURAL A machine s innards are the parts inside it. [INFORMAL] … English dictionary
innards — /ˈɪnədz / (say inuhdz) plural noun 1. the inward parts of the body; entrails; viscera: *It warms a man s innards on nights like this. –ion l. idriess, 1932. 2. the inner parts of objects, not normally visible: *A cutaway diagram of another… …
innards — /in euhrdz/, n. (used with a pl. v.) 1. the internal parts of the body; entrails or viscera. 2. the internal mechanism, parts, structure, etc., of something; the interior of something: an engine s innards. [1815 25; var. of INWARDS, n. use of… … Universalium
innards — noun a) The internal organs of a human or animal; especially viscera, intestines. He took the cover off his computer and looked at the innards. b) The inner workings of something; the insides or guts … Wiktionary
innards — in•nards [[t]ˈɪn ərdz[/t]] n. pl. 1) anat. the internal parts of the body; entrails or viscera 2) the internal mechanism, parts, structure, etc., of something: an engine s innards[/ex] • Etymology: 1815–25; var. of inwards … From formal English to slang
innards — noun plural Etymology: alteration of inwards Date: circa 1825 1. the internal organs of a human being or animal; especially viscera 2. the internal parts especially of a structure or mechanism … New Collegiate Dictionary