- brass ring
- [͵brɑ:sʹrıŋ] амер. сл.
1. большой приз2. шанс получить богатство или добиться успеха
when he sees the brass ring coming round, he can't help grabbing it - он никогда не упустит своего шанса
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
when he sees the brass ring coming round, he can't help grabbing it - он никогда не упустит своего шанса
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
brass ring — brass′ ring′ n. 1) cvb wealth, success, or prestige as a prize: the brass ring of the Presidency[/ex] 2) cvb the opportunity to try for such a prize … From formal English to slang
brass ring — n. [< the ring which could be exchanged for a prize or free ride that riders on a carousel would reach for at each pass] great success or a highly valued prize; also, an opportunity for this: usually with the … English World dictionary
Brass ring — A brass ring is a small grabbable ring that a dispenser presents to a carousel rider during the course of a ride. Usually there are a large number of iron rings and one brass one, or just a few. It takes some dexterity to grab a ring from the… … Wikipedia
brass ring — noun a rich opportunity or a prize he missed the brass ring at the Miami convention • Hypernyms: ↑opportunity, ↑chance * * * noun slang : a prize or rich opportunity missed the brass ring at the Philadelphia convention Cabell Phillips … Useful english dictionary
brass ring — Informal. 1. wealth, success, or a prestigious position considered as a goal or prize: Few of those who reach for the brass ring of the Presidency achieve it. 2. the opportunity to try for such a prize. [from the practice of picking a ring from a … Universalium
brass ring — noun Figuratively, a prize or goal. Often used with respect to employment goals e.g. promotion, better job, etc. Hes going for the brass ring … Wiktionary
brass ring — noun Date: 1950 a rich opportunity ; prize … New Collegiate Dictionary
brass ring — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun Slang. A person or thing worth catching: plum, prize1. Informal: catch. See DESIRE … English dictionary for students
the brass ring — informal a prize or goal that someone strives for Willa went for the brass ring, joining the firm at a whopping salary Origin: with reference to the reward of a free ride given on a merry go round to the person hooking a brass ring suspended over … Useful english dictionary
The Big Brass Ring — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen folgende wichtige Informationen: Vollständige Handlung Du kannst Wikipedia helfen, indem du sie recherchierst und einfügst … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Brass Ring — Este artículo está huérfano, pues pocos o ningún artículo enlazan aquí. Por favor, introduce enlaces hacia esta página desde otros artículos relacionados … Wikipedia Español