idiomatic — IDIOMÁTIC, Ă, idiomatici, ce, adj. Care aparţine unui idiom, privitor la un idiom. [pr.: di o ] – Din fr. idiomatique. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 idiomátic adj. m. (sil. di o ), pl. idiomátici; f … Dicționar Român
Idiomatic — Id i*o*mat ic, Idiomatical Id i*o*mat ic*al, a. [Gr. idiwmatiko s.] 1. Of or pertaining to, or conforming to, the mode of expression peculiar to a language; as, an idiomatic meaning; an idiomatic phrase. {Id i*o*mat ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
idiomatic — index distinctive, specific Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
idiomatic — (adj.) 1712, from L. idiomaticus, from Gk. idiomatikos; from idios one s own (see IDIOM (Cf. idiom)) + matos thinking, animated (see AUTOMATON (Cf. automaton)) … Etymology dictionary
idiomatic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) using or relating to expressions that are natural to a native speaker. 2) appropriate to the style of art or music associated with a particular period or person. DERIVATIVES idiomatically adverb … English terms dictionary
idiomatic — [id΄ē ə mat′ik] adj. [Gr idiōmatikos, peculiar, characteristic] 1. characteristic of a particular language 2. using or having many idioms 3. of, or having the nature of, an idiom or idioms idiomatically adv … English World dictionary
idiomatic — idiomatically, adv. idiomaticalness, idiomaticity /id ee oh meuh tis i tee/, n. /id ee euh mat ik/, adj. 1. peculiar to or characteristic of a particular language or dialect: idiomatic French. 2. containing or using many idioms. 3. having a… … Universalium
idiomatic — id|i|o|mat|ic [ˌıdiəˈmætık] adj 1.) idiomatic expression/phrase an idiom 2.) typical of the natural way in which someone speaks or writes when they are using their own language ▪ He had the ability to write fluent, accurate, and idiomatic English … Dictionary of contemporary English
idiomatic — adjective 1 idiomatic phrase/expression an idiom: an idiomatic phrase 2 typical of the natural way in which someone using their own language speaks or writes: After a year in Madrid, her Spanish was fluent and idiomatic. idiomatically / kli/… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
idiomatic — id|i|o|mat|ic [ ,ıdiə mætık ] adjective 1. ) expressing things in a way that sounds natural: an idiomatic translation 2. ) containing idioms or consisting of an idiom: idiomatic expressions ╾ id|i|o|mat|i|cal|ly [ ,ıdiə mætıkli ] adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
idiomatic — [[t]ɪ̱dioʊmæ̱tɪk[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Idiomatic language uses words in a way that sounds natural to native speakers of the language. Philippa was soon to acquire a remarkable command of idiomatic English … English dictionary