
[ʹhju:mən͵endʒıʹnıəd] a
сконструированный с учётом требований эргономики

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "human-engineered" в других словарях:

  • Human genetic engineering — is the genetic engineering of humans by modifying the genotype of the unborn individual to control what traits it will possess when born. [Citation last = Singer first = Peter author link = last2 = Kuhese first2 = Helga author2 link = title =… …   Wikipedia

  • Human cloning — is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. It does not usually refer to monozygotic multiple births nor the reproduction of human cells or tissue. The ethics of cloning is an extremely controversial issue. The term is generally… …   Wikipedia

  • Engineered information — describes the phenomenon of information that has been created and situated in space with the express intention of being unexpectedly discovered by its receivers. The term engineered information is closely related to two concepts currently… …   Wikipedia

  • Human Genome Project — The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an international scientific research project with a primary goal to determine the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up DNA and to identify the approximately 25,000 genes of the human genome from both a… …   Wikipedia

  • Human rights in Bahrain — Bahrain s record on human rights has been praised as one of the most progressive in the Middle East by western human rights groups and the UN, with Human Rights Watch calling it a posterchild for the Middle East. The government s ongoing… …   Wikipedia

  • Engineered materials arrestor system — An Engineered materials arrestor system or Engineered materials arresting system (EMAS) is a bed of lightweight, crushable concrete built at the end of a runway. The purpose of an EMAS is to stop an aircraft overrun with no human injury and… …   Wikipedia

  • Human civilizations in Stargate Atlantis — Like its parent series Stargate SG 1 , the television series Stargate Atlantis features a number of extra terrestrial human civilizations.Unlike what happened in the Milky Way (see Human civilizations in Stargate SG 1), the human population of… …   Wikipedia

  • Human (Star Trek) — Star Trek race|if= bgcolor=#ccccff Name=Human other names=Terran Size=280px Caption=A diverse selection of Humans of the Star Trek Universe (Clockwise from upper left: Jean Luc Picard, Hoshi Sato, Geordi La Forge, Chakotay) Planet=Earth… …   Wikipedia

  • Human Resources (Doctor Who audio) — Bigfinishbox title=Human Resources series=Doctor Who number=BBC7 6 featuring=Eighth Doctor Lucie Miller writer=Eddie Robson director=Nicholas Briggs producer= executive producer=Nicholas Briggs production code= set between= No More Lies and Dead… …   Wikipedia

  • human growth hormone — noun a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland; promotes growth in humans • Syn: ↑somatotropin, ↑somatotrophin, ↑somatotropic hormone, ↑somatotrophic hormone, ↑STH, ↑growth hormone • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • human growth hormone — noun Date: 1960 the naturally occurring growth hormone of humans or a genetically engineered form that is used to treat children with growth hormone deficiencies and has been used especially by athletes to increase muscle mass …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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