- hugger-muggery
- [ʹhʌgə͵mʌg(ə)rı] n разг.
1. путаница, неразбериха2. тёмные делишки; махинации
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hugger-muggery — g(ə)rē, ri noun ( es) : hugger mugger 1 * * * /hug euhr mug euh ree/, n., pl. hugger mugger ies. hugger mugger (defs. 1, 2). [HUGGER MUGGER + Y3] … Useful english dictionary
hugger-muggery — /hug euhr mug euh ree/, n., pl. hugger mugger ies. hugger mugger (defs. 1, 2). [HUGGER MUGGER + Y3] * * * … Universalium
hugger mugger — Synonyms and related words: airtight secrecy, all over, all over hell, anarchic, arsy varsy, ass backwards, back door, backstairs, balled up, black out, bollixed up, by stealth, censor, chaotic, clandestine, close secrecy, closeness, concealment … Moby Thesaurus
closeness — Synonyms and related words: THI, accord, accordance, addition, adjunct, affairs, affiliation, affinity, agreement, airlessness, airtight secrecy, alikeness, alliance, analogy, aping, approach, approximation, assemblage, assimilation, association … Moby Thesaurus
concealment — Synonyms and related words: abri, air raid shelter, airtight secrecy, asylum, bolt hole, bomb shelter, bombproof, bunker, cache, cave, close secrecy, closeness, corner, cover, covert, coverture, cranny, crypticness, cubby, cubbyhole, cyclone… … Moby Thesaurus
discretion — Synonyms and related words: airtight secrecy, aloofness, alternate choice, alternative, animus, anticipation, appetence, appetency, appetite, backwardness, bashfulness, blankness, calculation, canniness, care, careful consideration, carefulness,… … Moby Thesaurus
evasion — Synonyms and related words: abstention, airtight secrecy, anythingarianism, artifice, avoidance, avoiding reaction, bickering, boggling, break, breakout, buck passing, captiousness, caviling, chicane, chicanery, circumvention, close secrecy,… … Moby Thesaurus
hush — Synonyms and related words: allay, appease, assibilate, assibilation, awful silence, black out, buzz, calm, calm down, censor, choke, choke off, compose, conceal, cool, cover up, cradle, dead, dead of night, deathlike silence, dulcify, dumbfound … Moby Thesaurus
hush hush — Synonyms and related words: arcane, cabalistic, censored, clandestine, classified, close, closed, concealed, covert, cryptic, dark, enigmatic, esoteric, hermetic, hidden, hugger mugger, hugger muggery, hush, latent, mysterious, occult, restricted … Moby Thesaurus
secrecy — Synonyms and related words: Jim Crow, apartheid, apartness, burial, burying, censorship, clandestineness, clouding, concealedness, concealment, confidentiality, confidentially, covering, covering up, covertly, covertness, darkening, deception,… … Moby Thesaurus
silence — Synonyms and related words: answer, answer conclusively, argue down, asphyxiate, ataraxia, ataraxy, blow to pieces, blow up, blunt, bottle up, brain, brevity, briefness, bring down, brusqueness, burn to death, calm, calmness, censor, choke, choke … Moby Thesaurus