- housetrain
- [ʹhaʋstreın] = housebreak2
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
housetrain — house·train also house train (housʹtrān ) tr.v. Chiefly British house·trained, house·train·ing, house·trains To housebreak. houseʹtrained adj. * * * … Universalium
housetrain — verb To teach a house pet to urinate and defecate outside or in a designated location in the home … Wiktionary
housetrain — v. housebreak, teach a domestic animal to urinate and defecate outdoors … English contemporary dictionary
Korea Jindo Dog — Infobox Dogbreed altname = Chindo Jindo Jindo Gae JindoGae country = Korea fcigroup = 5 fcinum = 334 fcisection = 5 fcistd = http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:kLrjxpSl7cYJ:www.fci.be/uploaded files/334A2003… … Wikipedia
Japanese Chin — Infobox Dogbreed akcgroup = Toy Group akcstd = http://www.akc.org/breeds/japanese chin/index.cfm altname = Japanese Spaniel ankcgroup = Group 1 (Toys) ankcstd = http://www.ankc.aust.com/japchin.html ckcgroup = Group 5 (Toys) ckcstd =… … Wikipedia
housetrained — See housetrain. * * * … Universalium
house-trained — adj BrE a pet animal that is house trained has been trained not to make the house dirty with its ↑urine and ↑faeces American Equivalent: housebroken >housetrain v [T] … Dictionary of contemporary English
house-trained — adjective BrE a pet that is house trained has been trained not to make the house dirty with its urine and faeces; housebroken AmE housetrain verb (T) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
domesticate — [v] tame; habituate acclimatize, accustom, break, break in, breed, bring up, bust, corral, domiciliate, familiarize, gentle, herd, hitch, housetrain, naturalize, raise, reclaim, round up, subdue, teach, train, yoke; concepts 202,285 … New thesaurus