- horse-bee
- [ʹhɔ:sbi:] n
лошадиный овод
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
horse bee — noun see horse bot … Useful english dictionary
horse bot — noun also horse bee : horse botfly; specifically : the larval stage of a horse botfly * * * horse bot noun A botfly • • • Main Entry: ↑horse … Useful english dictionary
Bee Ho Gray — (April 7, 1885 in Leon, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory August 3, 1951 in Pueblo, Colorado) was a Western performer who spent fifty years displaying his skills in Wild West Shows, vaudeville, circus, silent films and radio. While he was… … Wikipedia
Horse care — There are many aspects to horse care. Horses, ponies, mules, donkeys and other domesticated equidae require attention from humans for optimal health and long life.Living environmentWorldwide, horses and other equids usually live outside with… … Wikipedia
horse-mint — vamzdelinė monarda statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Notrelinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, vaistinis augalas (Monarda fistulosa), paplitęs Šiaurės Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Monarda fistulosa angl. bee balm; horse mint; purple bee balm; wild… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Bee nettle — Nettle Net tle, n. [AS. netele; akin to D. netel, G. nessel, OHG. nezz[ i]la, nazza, Dan. nelde, n[ a]lde, Sw. n[ a]ssla; cf, Lith. notere.] (Bot.) A plant of the genus {Urtica}, covered with minute sharp hairs containing a poison that produces a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bee balm — vamzdelinė monarda statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Notrelinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, vaistinis augalas (Monarda fistulosa), paplitęs Šiaurės Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Monarda fistulosa angl. bee balm; horse mint; purple bee balm; wild… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
horse fly — any bloodsucking, usually large fly of the family Tabanidae, esp. of the genus Tabanus, a serious pest of horses, cattle, etc. [1350 1400; ME horsfleeye] * * * ▪ insect any member of the insect family Tabanidae (order Diptera), but more… … Universalium
Horse nettle — Nettle Net tle, n. [AS. netele; akin to D. netel, G. nessel, OHG. nezz[ i]la, nazza, Dan. nelde, n[ a]lde, Sw. n[ a]ssla; cf, Lith. notere.] (Bot.) A plant of the genus {Urtica}, covered with minute sharp hairs containing a poison that produces a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bee-balm — monarda statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Notrelinių (Lamiaceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Monarda). atitikmenys: lot. Monarda angl. bee balm; horse mint; white bergamot vok. Goldmelisse; Monarde; Pferdeminze rus. монарда lenk. pysznogłówka … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas
Horse rotovator — Coil Coil Pays d’origine Angleterre Genre(s) Musique expérimentale, Musique industrielle, Musique concrète, Drone music, Ambient, Glitch … Wikipédia en Français