- home-fire
- [ʹhəʋm͵faıə] n
домашний очаг
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
home-fire — homeˈ fire noun The domestic hearth, with its activities and connections • • • Main Entry: ↑home … Useful english dictionary
1976 Wincrest Nursing Home Fire — The 1976 Wincrest Nursing Home Fire took place on Friday, January 30,1976 in Chicago, USA. The fire occurred when an arsonist set a wardrobe closet on fire at the Wincrest Nursing Home building, located at 6326 N. Winthrop Avenue. The alarm… … Wikipedia
Golden Age Nursing Home Fire — The Golden Age Nursing Home Fire took place in the pre dawn hours of November 23, 1963 near Fitchville, Ohio, USA, killing 63 elderly people. The disaster has largely been forgotten since it came in the immediate aftermath of the assassination of … Wikipedia
Fire safety — refers to precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a fire that may result in death, injury, or property damage, alert those in a structure to the presence of a fire in the event one occurs, better enable those threatened… … Wikipedia
Home improvement — or home renovation is the process of renovating or making additions to one s home. Types of home improvementWhile it most often refers to building projects that alter the structure of an existing home, home renovation can include improvements to… … Wikipedia
Fire safe councils — are grassroots community based organizations which share the objective of making California s communities less vulnerable to catastrophic wildfire. Fire safe councils accomplish this objective through education programs and projects such as… … Wikipedia
Home insurance — Home insurance, also commonly called hazard insurance or homeowners insurance (often abbreviated in the real estate industry as HOI), is the type of property insurance that covers private homes. It is an insurance policy that combines various… … Wikipedia
Home automation — is the residential extension of building automation . It is automation of the home, housework or household activity. Home automation may include centralized control of lighting, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), appliances, and… … Wikipedia
Fire dancing — (also known as, fire twirling, fire spinning, fire performance, or fire manipulation ) is a group of performance arts or disciplines that involve manipulation of objects on fire. Typically these objects have one or more bundles of wicking, which… … Wikipedia
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones — Developer(s) Intelligent Systems Publisher(s) Nintendo … Wikipedia
Fire safe cigarettes — [Fire Safe Cigarettes] [http://www.firesafecigarettes.org] ] Cigarettes are the leading cause of residential fire deaths in the United States, which resulted in an estimated 800 civilian deaths, 1,660 civilian injuries and $575 million in direct… … Wikipedia