- holus-bolus
- [͵həʋləsʹbəʋləs] adv разг.
одним махом или ударом; одним глотком; сразу, целиком; гуртом, навалом, без разбору
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
holus-bolus — [hō′ləs bō′ləs] adv. [mock Latin < WHOLE + BOLUS] all at once; in one lump … English World dictionary
holus-bolus — adverb Etymology: probably reduplication of bolus Date: 1857 all at once < she…put it back, holus bolus, in her pocket Wilkie Collins > … New Collegiate Dictionary
holus-bolus — adverb All together; entirely; without modification. to accept a story holus bolus … Wiktionary
holus-bolus — /ˌhoʊləs ˈboʊləs / (say .hohluhs bohluhs) adverb Colloquial 1. all at once: *Some nations have transferred their capitals holus bolus after realising their mistake. –murray bail, 1988. 2. in its entirety. 3. all together …
holus-bolus — /hoh leuhs boh leuhs/, adv. all at once; altogether. [1840 50; mock Latin rhyming compound based on phrase whole bolus. See WHOLE, BOLUS] * * * … Universalium
holus-bolus — [ˌhəʊləs bəʊləs] adverb N. Amer. or archaic all at once. Origin C19 (orig. dialect): perh. pseudo Latin for whole bolus, whole lump … English new terms dictionary
holus bolus — Synonyms and related words: a corps perdu, carelessly, desperately, furiously, happen what may, hastily, head over heels, headfirst, headforemost, headlong, heedlessly, heels over head, helter skelter, hotheadedly, hurriedly, hurry scurry,… … Moby Thesaurus
holus bolus — adv. all at once; all together … English contemporary dictionary
holus-bolus — ho·lus bo·lus … English syllables
holus-bolus — adv. all in a lump, altogether. Etymology: app. sham L … Useful english dictionary
hurry-scurry — n 1. haste, rush, precipitation; confusion, disorder; agitation, perturbation, disquietude, fidgetiness, dither, jitters, Inf. stew, Inf. sweat, Inf. cold sweat; flurry, flutter, fuss, furor, ruffle, turmoil, commotion; stir, whirl, pother, Dial … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder