Смотреть что такое "highty-tighty" в других словарях:
Highty-tighty — High ty tigh ty, a. Hoity toity. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
highty-tighty — |hīd.ē|tīd.ē adjective Etymology: by alteration : hoity toity had a highty tighty way that repulsed me W.A.White … Useful english dictionary
highty-tighty — /huy tee tuy tee/, adj., n. hoity toity. * * * … Universalium
Highty-Tighties — CollegeMarchingBandInfoBox bandname=Highty Tighties logo= school=Virginia Tech location=Blacksburg, Virginia conference=ACC founded=1876 director=Major George McNeill members= uniform=The Virginia Tech Regimental Band, also known as the Highty… … Wikipedia
List of drum majors, commanders and directors of the Highty-Tighties — This is a list of the leadership of the Highty Tighties, the Regimental Band of the Corps of Cadets of Virginia Tech.Information in the following table is extracted from Bugle and personal accounts. The size of the band does not include the… … Wikipedia
List of South African slang words — South African slang reflects many different linguistic traditions. Afrikanerisms This list of Afrikanerisms comprises slang words and phrases influenced by Afrikaans. Typical users include people with Afrikaans as their first language but who… … Wikipedia
hoity-toity — also hoity toity, 1660s, riotous behavior, from earlier highty tighty frolicsome, flighty, perhaps an alteration and reduplication of dial. hoyting acting the hoyden, romping (1590s), see HOYDEN (Cf. hoyden). Sense of haughty first recorded late… … Etymology dictionary
hoity-toity — adj affectedly arrogant, condescendingly superior. A 19th century term which derives from the earlier highty tighty (meaning high and mighty ) and is influenced by haughty … Contemporary slang
hoity-toity — /hɔɪti ˈtɔɪti/ (say hoytee toytee) adjective 1. supercilious; haughty. 2. Obsolete giddy; flighty; boisterous. {reanalysis of earlier variant highty tighty to mean lofty, supercilious ; reduplication of obsolete hoit (verb) to romp, riot} …
heyty-titey — obs. var. highty tighty … Useful english dictionary