Смотреть что такое "hen-driver" в других словарях:
Hen driver — Hen Hen, n. [AS. henn, hen, h[ae]n; akin to D. hen, OHG. henna, G. henne, Icel. h?na, Dan. h[ o]na; the fem. corresponding to AS. hana cock, D. haan, OHG. hano, G. hahn, Icel. hani, Dan. & Sw. hane. Prob. akin to L. canere to sing, and orig.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hen driver — Hen Hen, n. [AS. henn, hen, h[ae]n; akin to D. hen, OHG. henna, G. henne, Icel. h?na, Dan. h[ o]na; the fem. corresponding to AS. hana cock, D. haan, OHG. hano, G. hahn, Icel. hani, Dan. & Sw. hane. Prob. akin to L. canere to sing, and orig.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hen-driver — henˈ driver noun A hen harrier • • • Main Entry: ↑hen … Useful english dictionary
Hen — Hen, n. [AS. henn, hen, h[ae]n; akin to D. hen, OHG. henna, G. henne, Icel. h?na, Dan. h[ o]na; the fem. corresponding to AS. hana cock, D. haan, OHG. hano, G. hahn, Icel. hani, Dan. & Sw. hane. Prob. akin to L. canere to sing, and orig. meaning … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hen clam — Hen Hen, n. [AS. henn, hen, h[ae]n; akin to D. hen, OHG. henna, G. henne, Icel. h?na, Dan. h[ o]na; the fem. corresponding to AS. hana cock, D. haan, OHG. hano, G. hahn, Icel. hani, Dan. & Sw. hane. Prob. akin to L. canere to sing, and orig.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hen harrier — Hen Hen, n. [AS. henn, hen, h[ae]n; akin to D. hen, OHG. henna, G. henne, Icel. h?na, Dan. h[ o]na; the fem. corresponding to AS. hana cock, D. haan, OHG. hano, G. hahn, Icel. hani, Dan. & Sw. hane. Prob. akin to L. canere to sing, and orig.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hen hawk — Hen Hen, n. [AS. henn, hen, h[ae]n; akin to D. hen, OHG. henna, G. henne, Icel. h?na, Dan. h[ o]na; the fem. corresponding to AS. hana cock, D. haan, OHG. hano, G. hahn, Icel. hani, Dan. & Sw. hane. Prob. akin to L. canere to sing, and orig.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
meadow hen — Bittern Bit tern, n. [OE. bitoure, betore, bitter, fr. F. butor; of unknown origin.] (Zo[ o]l.) A wading bird of the genus {Botaurus}, allied to the herons, of various species. [1913 Webster] Note: The common European bittern is {Botaurus… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Stake-driver — Stake driv er ( dr[imac]v [ e]r), n. (Zo[ o]l.) The common American bittern ({Botaurus lentiginosus}); so called because one of its notes resembles the sound made in driving a stake into the mud. Called also {meadow hen}, and {Indian hen}. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Indian hen — Stake driver Stake driv er ( dr[imac]v [ e]r), n. (Zo[ o]l.) The common American bittern ({Botaurus lentiginosus}); so called because one of its notes resembles the sound made in driving a stake into the mud. Called also {meadow hen}, and {Indian … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
meadow hen — Stake driver Stake driv er ( dr[imac]v [ e]r), n. (Zo[ o]l.) The common American bittern ({Botaurus lentiginosus}); so called because one of its notes resembles the sound made in driving a stake into the mud. Called also {meadow hen}, and {Indian … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English