- heavy-footed
- [͵hevıʹfʋtıd] a
1) с тяжёлой поступью; неповоротливый2) бескрылый; приземлённый; скучный, невыразительный
music that is heavy-footed and uninspired - музыка без полёта и вдохновения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
music that is heavy-footed and uninspired - музыка без полёта и вдохновения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
heavy-footed — heavy footedness, n. /hev ee foot id/, adj. clumsy or ponderous, as in movement or expressiveness: music that is heavy footed and uninspired. [1615 25] * * * … Universalium
heavy-footed — [hev′ē foot΄id] adj. ponderous or clumsy in or as in walking; plodding … English World dictionary
heavy-footed — {adj.} 1. Slow and clumsy in walking or movement; awkward in using your feet. * /The fat man tried to dance, but he was too heavy footed./ * /Martha is not fat, but she is heavy footed and walks noisily./ 2. Awkward in choice and order of words;… … Dictionary of American idioms
heavy-footed — {adj.} 1. Slow and clumsy in walking or movement; awkward in using your feet. * /The fat man tried to dance, but he was too heavy footed./ * /Martha is not fat, but she is heavy footed and walks noisily./ 2. Awkward in choice and order of words;… … Dictionary of American idioms
heavy-footed — adj 1. Slow and clumsy in walking or movement; awkward in using your feet. The fat man tried to dance, but he was too heavy footed. Martha is not fat, but she is heavy footed and walks noisily. 2. Awkward in choice and order of words; not smooth… … Словарь американских идиом
heavy-footed — adjective (of movement) lacking ease or lightness his tired heavy footed walk • Ant: ↑light footed • Similar to: ↑heavy, ↑lumbering, ↑ponderous … Useful english dictionary
heavy-footed — adjective Date: 1625 heavy and slow in movement … New Collegiate Dictionary
heavy-footed — walked loudly, walked with heavy steps … English contemporary dictionary
heavy-footed — /ˈhɛvi fʊtəd/ (say hevee footuhd) adjective 1. having a heavy tread while walking. 2. insensitive; overbearing …
heavy-footed — adjective Slow moving … Wiktionary
heavy-footed — heav′y foot′ed adj. clumsy or ponderous … From formal English to slang