- heaven-high
- 1. [ʹhev(ə)nhaı] a
очень высокий, уходящий в небо2. [ʹhev(ə)nhaı] advвысоко в небе или в небо
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
heaven-high — … Useful english dictionary
High anxiety — is a non technical term referring to a state of extreme fear or apprehension. It may also mean:* High Anxiety , a film by Mel Brooks ** High Anxiety , a song performed by Brooks in the film * High Anxiety (album), a 2003 album by Therapy? * High… … Wikipedia
high — adjective 1》 of great vertical extent. ↘of a specified height. ↘far above ground or sea level. ↘extending above the normal level. ↘(of latitude) near the North or South Pole. 2》 great in amount, value, size, or intensity. ↘(of … English new terms dictionary
Heaven — may refer to the physical heavens, the sky or the seemingly endless expanse of the universe beyond.The term is used to refer to a plane of existence (sometimes held to exist in our own universe) in religions and spiritual philosophies, typically… … Wikipedia
Heaven — • In the Holy Bible the term heaven denotes, in the first place, the blue firmament, or the region of the clouds that pass along the sky. Gen., i, 20, speaks of the birds under the firmament of heaven . In other passages it denotes the region of… … Catholic encyclopedia
Heaven — Heav en (h[e^]v n), n. [OE. heven, hefen, heofen, AS. heofon; akin to OS. hevan, LG. heben, heven, Icel. hifinn; of uncertain origin, cf. D. hemel, G. himmel, Icel. himmin, Goth. himins; perh. akin to, or influenced by, the root of E. heave, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Heaven and Hell — may refer to:Literature *The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, an 18th century book by William Blake * Heaven and Hell (Swedenborg), a 1758 book by Emanuel Swedenborg * Heaven and Hell (Allan Kardec), an 1865 book by Allan Kardec * Heaven and Hell… … Wikipedia
High (canción de Lighthouse Family) — «High» Sencillo de Lighthouse Family del álbum Postcards from Heaven Publicación 15 de octubre de 1997 Grabación Miraval y Sarm West Género(s) Soul, Pop … Wikipedia Español
high — high, tall, lofty mean above the average in height. High, the general term (opposed to low), implies marked extension upward and is applied chiefly to things which rise from a base or foundation {a high hill} {a high building} or are placed at a… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Heaven's Open — Studio album by Michael Oldfield Released 18 February 1991 (1991 02 18 … Wikipedia
Heaven's Soldiers — Theatrical poster Hangul 천군 … Wikipedia