- heal-all
- [ʹhi:l͵ɔ:l] n
1. универсальное средство, панацея2. бот. черноголовка обыкновенная (Prunella vulgaris)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
heal-all — native word for PANACEA (Cf. panacea), 1570s, from HEAL (Cf. heal) + ALL (Cf. all); applied to various plants since 1853 … Etymology dictionary
heal-all — paprastoji juodgalvė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Notrelinių šeimos vaistinis augalas (Prunella vulgaris), paplitęs Europoje, Azijoje ir Šiaurės Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Prunella vulgaris angl. heal all; self heal pranc. brunelle… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
heal-all — ˈhēlˌȯl noun (plural heal alls ˌȯlz ; also heals alls lzˌȯlz) 1. : self heal 2. : a plant of the genus Scrophularia 3. : great green orchis … Useful english dictionary
heal-all — noun 1》 a universal remedy; a panacea. 2》 any of a number of medicinal plants, especially roseroot and self heal … English new terms dictionary
heal all — noun 1. decumbent blue flowered European perennial thought to possess healing properties; naturalized throughout North America • Syn: ↑self heal, ↑Prunella vulgaris • Hypernyms: ↑herb, ↑herbaceous plant • Member Holonyms: ↑P … Useful english dictionary
heal-all — /heel awl /, n. the selfheal, Prunella vulgaris. [1570 80] * * * … Universalium
heal-all — noun small, herbaceous European plant with blue violet flowers; Prunella vulgaris Syn: selfheal … Wiktionary
heal — v. 1 intr. (often foll. by up) (of a wound or injury) become sound or healthy again. 2 tr. cause (a wound, disease, or person) to heal or be healed. 3 tr. put right (differences etc.). 4 tr. alleviate (sorrow etc.). Phrases and idioms: heal all 1 … Useful english dictionary
all-heal — or all·heal (ôlʹhēl ) n. Any of several plants, such as self heal or valerian, used in herbal medicine and reputed to have broad healing powers. * * * … Universalium
Heal! — Студийный альбом Disbelief … Википедия
all|heal — «L HEEL», noun. 1. = valerian (the plant). (Cf. ↑valerian) 2. = selfheal. (Cf. ↑selfheal) … Useful english dictionary