- brain death
- [ʹbreındeθ]
прекращение деятельности коры головного мозга
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Brain death — is a legal definition of death that emerged in the 1960s as a response to the ability to resuscitate individuals and mechanically keep the heart and lungs working. In simple terms, brain death is the irreversible end of all brain activity… … Wikipedia
brain death — brain dead /brayn ded /, adj. brain dead. complete cessation of brain function as evidenced by absence of brain wave activity on an electroencephalogram: sometimes used as a legal definition of death. [1965 70] * * * State of irreversible… … Universalium
brain death — / brān ˌdeth/ n: the final stopping of activity in the central nervous system esp. as indicated by a flat electroencephalogram for a usu. statutorily predetermined period of time brain–dead / brān ˌded/ adj Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.… … Law dictionary
brain death — n final cessation of activity in the central nervous system esp. as indicated by a flat electroencephalogram for a predetermined length of time brain dead adj * * * see death * * * irreversible brain damage as manifested by absolute… … Medical dictionary
brain death — brain′ death n. med pat complete cessation of brain function as evidenced by absence of brain wave activity on an electroencephalogram: sometimes used as a legal definition of death • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
brain death — n. a condition in which all vital functions of the brain are determined to have irreversibly ceased: variously accepted as a legal concept of death … English World dictionary
brain death — brain ,death noun uncount a state in which someone s brain has stopped working, so that they are in fact dead, even though a machine may continue to make their heart work … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
brain death — ► NOUN ▪ irreversible brain damage causing the end of independent breathing … English terms dictionary
brain death — noun death when respiration and other reflexes are absent; consciousness is gone; organs can be removed for transplantation before the heartbeat stops • Syn: ↑cerebral death • Hypernyms: ↑death * * * noun : final cessation of activity in the… … Useful english dictionary
brain death — Numerous states have enacted statutory definitions of death which include brain related criteria. For example, many states have adopted the Uniform Determination of Death Act. See death. Characteristics of brain death consist of: (1)… … Black's law dictionary
brain death — Numerous states have enacted statutory definitions of death which include brain related criteria. For example, many states have adopted the Uniform Determination of Death Act. See death. Characteristics of brain death consist of: (1)… … Black's law dictionary