
[͵hɑ:dʹbɔıl] v
варить вкрутую (яйцо)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hard-boil" в других словарях:

  • hard-boil — /ˈhad bɔɪl/ (say hahd boyl) verb (t) to boil an egg until it is hard throughout …  

  • hard-boil — /hahrd boyl /, v.t. to boil (an egg) until the yolk and white have become firm or solid. [1890 95] * * * …   Universalium

  • hard-boil — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ transitive verb Etymology: back formation from hard boiled : to cook an (egg) until hard boiled …   Useful english dictionary

  • hard-boil — transitive verb Etymology: back formation from hard boiled Date: 1895 to cook (an egg) in the shell until both white and yolk have solidified …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Boil — Boil, n. [Influenced by boil, v. See {Beal}, {Bile}.] A hard, painful, inflamed tumor, which, on suppuration, discharges pus, mixed with blood, and discloses a small fibrous mass of dead tissue, called the core. [1913 Webster] {A blind boil}, one …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hard-boiled — /ardˈbɔiled, ingl. ˈhɑːdˌbɔɪləd/ [vc. ingl., propr. «bollito (boiled, part. pass. di to boil) (fino a diventare) sodo, duro (hard)», e fig. «indurito dall esperienza»] s. m. inv. poliziesco, noir (fr.) CFR. giallo …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • boil — I n. state of boiling 1) to bring to a boil (bring the milk to a boil) 2) to come to a boil (the water must first come to a boil) II v. 1) to boil gently; hard 2) (C) he boiled an egg for her; or: he boiled her an egg 3) (D; intr.) to boil with… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • boil — boil1 /boyl/, v.i. 1. to change from a liquid to a gaseous state, producing bubbles of gas that rise to the surface of the liquid, agitating it as they rise. 2. to reach or be brought to the boiling point: When the water boils, add the meat and… …   Universalium

  • Boil — A skin abscess, a collection of pus localized deep in the skin. A boil usually starts as a reddened, tender area and in time becomes firm and hard. Eventually, the center of the abscess softens and becomes filled with white blood cells that the… …   Medical dictionary

  • boil — {{11}}boil (n.) hard tumor, altered from M.E. bile (Kentish bele), perhaps by association with the verb; from O.E. byl, byle boil, carbuncle, from W.Gmc. *buljon swelling (Cf. O.Fris. bele, O.H.G. bulia, Ger. Beule). Perhaps ultimately from PIE… …   Etymology dictionary

  • boil — I. verb Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French buillir, boillir, from Latin bullire to bubble, from bulla bubble Date: 13th century intransitive verb 1. a. to come to the boiling point b. to generate bubbles of vapor when heated used of a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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