
[ʹhæməlɒk] n
хамерлок (борьба)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hammer-lock" в других словарях:

  • Hammer lock — (Wrestling) A hold in which an arm of one contestant is held twisted and bent behind his back by his opponent. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hammer lock — hammer lock, or ham|mer|lock «HAM uhr LOK», noun. a hold used in wrestling, in which an opponent s arm is twisted and held behind his back …   Useful english dictionary

  • hammer lock — /ˈhæmə lɒk/ (say hamuh lok) noun a hold, banned in amateur wrestling, whereby the opponent s arm is twisted and pushed behind his or her back …  

  • Hammer to Fall — «Hammer To Fall» Sencillo de Queen del álbum The Works Lado B Tear It Up Formato 7 /12 Grabación 1983 Género(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Hammer of God — Album par Mortification Sortie 27 Juillet 1999 Enregistrement Février Mars 1999 Durée 70:41 Genre Brutal Thrash metal Producteur Stev …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hammer — 1. Beim Hammer ist viel Jammer. Nach Abraham a Sancta Clara in seinem Etwas für alle (II) ein bekanntes Sprichwort. Wol von den Beschwerden des Berufs der Schmiede. 2. Besser Hammer als Nagel. – Altmann VI, 423. 3. Der beste Hammer kann kaltes… …   Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon

  • lock — I. /lɒk / (say lok) noun 1. a device for securing a door, gate, lid, drawer, or the like in position when closed, consisting of a bolt or system of bolts propelled and withdrawn by a mechanism operated by a key, dial, etc. 2. a. a device to keep… …  

  • Hammer drill — A Hammer drill, also known as a rotary hammer or roto hammer , (see also rotary hammer drill) is a rotary drill with a hammering action. The hammering action provides a short, rapid hammer thrust to pulverize relatively brittle material and… …   Wikipedia

  • hammer — hammerable, adj. hammerer, n. hammerlike, adj. /ham euhr/, n. 1. a tool consisting of a solid head, usually of metal, set crosswise on a handle, used for beating metals, driving nails, etc. 2. any of various instruments or devices resembling this …   Universalium

  • hammer — I. /ˈhæmə / (say hamuh) noun 1. an instrument consisting of a solid head, usually of metal, set crosswise on a handle, used for beating metals, driving in nails, etc. 2. any of various instruments or devices resembling a hammer in form, action,… …  

  • hammer — ham•mer [[t]ˈhæm ər[/t]] n. 1) bui a tool consisting of a solid head, usu. of metal, set crosswise on a handle, used for driving nails, beating metals, etc 2) bui any of various instruments or devices resembling this in form, action, or use, as a …   From formal English to slang

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