- halter-neck
- [ʹhɔ:ltənek] n
воротник хомутиком (на открытом платье)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
halter neck — noun A neckline on a dress, etc in the style of a halter • • • Main Entry: ↑halter … Useful english dictionary
halter neck — ► NOUN ▪ a style of neckline incorporating a halter … English terms dictionary
halter neck — noun a style of woman s top that is fastened behind the neck, leaving the shoulders, upper back, and arms bare … English new terms dictionary
halter-neck — /ˈhɔltə nɛk/ (say hawltuh nek), /ˈhɒl / (say hol ) noun 1. a neckline of a woman s dress, blouse, etc., which, fastened by thin straps behind the neck, leaves the back and arms bare. 2. the garment itself. –adjective 3. of or relating to a… …
halter — I. /ˈhɔltə / (say hawltuh), /ˈhɒltə / (say holtuh) noun 1. a rope or strap with a noose or headstall, for leading or fastening horses or cattle. 2. a rope with a noose for hanging criminals. 3. → halter neck (def. 1). –verb (t) 4. to put a halter …
Halter (horse show) — Halter is a term used to describe a type of horse show class where horses are shown in hand, meaning that they are led, not ridden, and are judged on their conformation and suitability as breeding stock. Depending on breed and geographic region,… … Wikipedia
Halter — Hal ter, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Haltered} ( t[ e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Haltering}.] To tie by the neck with a rope, strap, or halter; to put a halter on; to subject to a hangman s halter. A haltered neck. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
HALTER, MAREK — (1934– ), painter and writer. Halter was born in Warsaw but during World War II was exiled to Uzbekistan. After returning to Poland in 1945, he decided to study art in Paris. After a short period at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, he preferred to study … Encyclopedia of Judaism
halter — halter1 [hôl′tər] n. [ME < OE hælftre (akin to Ger halfter) < base of helfe (see HELVE): basic sense “that by which something is held”] 1. a) a rope, cord, strap, etc., usually with a headstall, for tying or leading an animal b) a bitless… … English World dictionary
halter — (n.) O.E. hælftre rope for leading a horse, from W.Gmc. *halftra that by which something is held (Cf. O.S. haliftra halter, O.H.G. halftra, M.Du. halfter; see HELVE (Cf. helve)). In women s clothing sense, originally strap attached to the top of… … Etymology dictionary
halter — ► NOUN 1) a rope or strap placed around the head of an animal and used to lead or tether it. 2) archaic a noose for hanging a person. 3) a strap passing behind the neck by which the bodice of a sleeveless dress or top is held in place. ► VERB ▪… … English terms dictionary