- braggadocio
- [͵brægəʹdəʋ|(t)ʃıəʋ,-{͵brægəʹdəʋ}kıəʋ] n книжн.
1. (pl -cios) хвастун2. бахвальство
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Braggadocio — Brag ga*do cio, n. [From Braggadocchio, a boastful character in Spenser s Fa[ e]rie Queene. ] 1. A braggart; a boaster; a swaggerer. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. Empty boasting; mere brag; pretension. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
braggadocio — index jactation, pride, rodomontade Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
braggadocio — (n.) Spenser s coinage, 1590, as a name for his personification of vainglory, from BRAG (Cf. brag), with augmentative ending by analogy to the Italian words then in vogue in England. In general use by 1594 for an empty swaggerer; of the talk of… … Etymology dictionary
braggadocio — [brag΄ə dō′shē ō΄, brag΄ədō′shō] n. pl. braggadocios [coined by SPENSER2 Edmund < BRAG + It ending] 1. a braggart 2. vain, noisy boasting or bragging … English World dictionary
Braggadocio, Missouri — Braggadocio is an unincorporated community in Pemiscot County, Missouri. It is located eight miles west of Caruthersville. The community was founded in 1847 and according to Ramsay, was named for the vainglorious knight and horse thief Sir… … Wikipedia
Braggadocio (typeface) — Infobox font name = Braggadocio style = Geometric sans serif Display date = 1929–1930 creator = W.A. Woolley foundry = Monotype Corporation|Braggadocio is a geometrically constructed sans serif stencil typeface designed by W.A. Woolley in 1930… … Wikipedia
braggadocio — noun (plural cios) Etymology: Braggadochio, personification of boasting in Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser Date: 1594 1. braggart 2. a. empty boasting b. arrogant pretension ; … New Collegiate Dictionary
braggadocio — braggadocian, adj. /brag euh doh shee oh /, n., pl. braggadocios. 1. empty boasting; bragging. 2. a boasting person; braggart. [after Braggadocchio, boastful character in Spenser s Faerie Queene (1590), appar. a pseudo It coinage based on BRAG] * … Universalium
braggadocio — noun /braɡːaˈdoːʧio,ˌbɹæ.ɡəˈdəʊ.ʧɪ.əʊ/ a) A braggart. b) Empty boasting … Wiktionary
braggadocio — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun 1. One given to boasting: boaster, brag, braggart, bragger, vaunter. Informal: blowhard. Slang: blower. See PRAISE. 2. An act of boasting: boast, brag, fanfaronade, gasconade, rodomontade, vaunt. Informal: blow1. See… … English dictionary for students
braggadocio — brag|ga|do|ci|o [ˌbrægəˈdəuʃiəu US ˈdouʃiou] n [U] especially literary [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Braggadocchio proud talking character in the poem The Faerie Queen (1590) by Edmund Spenser] proud talk about something that you claim to own, to… … Dictionary of contemporary English