- half-heartedly
- [͵hɑ:fʹhɑ:tıdlı] adv
нерешительно и пр. [см. half-hearted]
he agreed half-heartedly - он нехотя согласился
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
he agreed half-heartedly - он нехотя согласился
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
half-heartedly — half hearted a half hearted attempt to do something lacks effort and enthusiasm. A few people at the back applauded half heartedly … New idioms dictionary
half-heartedly — half hearted ► ADJECTIVE ▪ without enthusiasm or energy. DERIVATIVES half heartedly adverb half heartedness noun … English terms dictionary
half-heartedly — adverb without enthusiasm; in a half hearted manner (Freq. 1) she tried half heartedly • Derived from adjective: ↑halfhearted … Useful english dictionary
half-heartedly — adv. Half heartedly is used with these verbs: ↑listen, ↑wave … Collocations dictionary
half-heartedly — adverb In a half hearted manner … Wiktionary
half-heartedly — See: half hearted … English dictionary
half-heartedly — indifferently, unenthusiastically, perfunctorily, apathetically … English contemporary dictionary
half-hearted — half heart|ed [ˌha:f ˈha:tıd US ˌhæf ˈha:r ] adj done without much effort and without much interest in the result ▪ Congress has made half hearted attempts at finance reform. >half heartedly adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
half-hearted — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ without enthusiasm or energy. DERIVATIVES half heartedly adverb half heartedness noun … English terms dictionary
half-heartedness — half hearted ► ADJECTIVE ▪ without enthusiasm or energy. DERIVATIVES half heartedly adverb half heartedness noun … English terms dictionary
half-hearted — ADJ GRADED If someone does something in a half hearted way, they do it without any real effort, interest, or enthusiasm. Joanna had made one or two half hearted attempts to befriend Graham s young wife. ...a half hearted apology... In truth, her… … English dictionary