- brad
- [bræd] n
1. гвоздь без шляпки, штифтик2. pl разг. деньги; медные монеты
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Brad — can refer to: *A name, sometimes short for Bradford or Bradley **Brad Altman, life partner of actor George Takei **Brad Carbunkle, a fictional character from My Life as a Teenage Robot animated television series **Brad Delson, Guitarist for the… … Wikipedia
brad — s. (bot.) 1. (Abies alba) (prin Transilv.) porob. 2. (Picea excelsa) molid, (reg.) molete, molidar. 3. brad roşu (Picea abies) = molid, (reg.) târş, (Transilv.) sihlă. Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa: Sinonime BRAD s. v. coşciug, pin,… … Dicționar Român
Brad — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Brad Información personal Origen Seattle, W … Wikipedia Español
brad — brad·bury; brad·dish·er; brad·ford; brad·le·ian; brad·ley·ite; brad; brad·shaw; brad·sot; brad·ley·an; brad·y·pode; … English syllables
Brad — ist die Kurzform des Vornamens Bradley Brad (Syrien), ein Ort in Syrien der Name mehrerer Ortschaften in Rumänien: Brad (Hunedoara), Stadt im Kreis Hunedoara Brad (Bereşti Bistriţa), Dorf im Kreis Bacău Brad (Filipeni), Dorf im Kreis Bacău Brad… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Brad — Brad, n. [Cf. OE. brod, Dan. braad prick, sting, brodde ice spur, frost nail, Sw. brodd frost nail, Icel. broddr any pointed piece of iron or stell; akin to AS. brord point, spire of grass, and perh. to E. bristle. See {Bristle}, n.] A thin nail … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Brád — (spr. brād), Dorf im ungar. Komitat Hunyad (Siebenbürgen), an der Weißen Körös, Endpunkt der Arader Vizinalbahn, Zentralpunkt des Goldbergbaus im Köröstal und Hauptsitz der deutschen Bergbau Gewerkschaft, hat (1890) 3006 meist rumän. Einwohner,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
brad — /brad/, n., v., bradded, bradding. n. 1. a slender wire nail having either a small, deep head or a projection to one side of the head end. See illus. under nail. v.t. 2. to fasten with brads. [1425 75; late ME brad, dial. var. of ME brod(d)… … Universalium
BRAD — [bræd] abbreviation for British Rate and Data … Financial and business terms
BRAD™ — UK US /bræd/ noun [U] TRADEMARK MARKETING ► ABBREVIATION for British Rate and Data: a book published every month giving detailed information about UK magazines, newspapers, etc. that contain advertising, for example how much they charge to… … Financial and business terms
brad — [brad] n. [ME brod < ON broddr, point, arrow < Gmc * bruzda: see BROIDER] a thin wire nail of uniform thickness with a small head that is sometimes off center vt. bradded, bradding to fasten with brads … English World dictionary