
[͵hɑ:fʹkɒkt] a амер. разг.
1) неподготовленный, не имеющий опыта
2) недалёкий

to go off half-cocked = to go off at half-cock [см. half-cock 1 ]

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "half-cocked" в других словарях:

  • half cocked — also .half cock BrE [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: cock to get a gun ready to fire ] go off half cocked go off at half cock BrE to do something without enough thought or preparation, so that it is not successful …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • half-cocked — [haf′käkt΄] adj. having the hammer at half cock: said of a firearm ☆ go off half cocked 1. to go off too soon: said of a firearm 2. to speak or act thoughtlessly or too hastily: also go off at half cock …   English World dictionary

  • half-cocked — half′ cocked′ adj. mil (of a firearm) held in the position of half cock • go off half cocked Etymology: 1800–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • half-cocked — [ hæf kakt ] adjective go off half cocked AMERICAN INFORMAL to start doing something without being properly prepared, so that the results are not successful …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • half-cocked — 1. mod. unprepared. (See also go off half cocked.) □ So he’s half cocked. So what? □ You’re half cocked for everything you do. 2. mod. alcohol intoxicated. □ He just sat there, half cocked and singing …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • half-cocked — /haf kokt , hahf /, adj. 1. (of a firearm) at the position of half cock. 2. lacking mature consideration or enough preparation; ill considered or ill prepared; half baked. 3. go off half cocked, to act or happen prematurely: He went off half… …   Universalium

  • half-cocked — /haf ˈkɒkt/ (say hahf kokt) adjective 1. (of a firearm) at half cock. 2. ill prepared: a half cocked explanation. –phrase 3. go off half cocked, to begin an action without having the capacity or ability to finish it …  

  • half-cocked — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective 1. : being at half cock 2. : lacking clear or rational preparation, knowledge, or intention go off half cocked also : stupid, foolish half c …   Useful english dictionary

  • half-cocked — adjective Date: 1809 1. being at half cock 2. lacking adequate preparation or forethought < go off half cocked > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • half-cocked — See go off half cocked …   English idioms

  • half cocked — Synonyms and related words: a bit previous, adolescent, advanced, amateur, amateurish, at half cock, callow, dabbling, dilettante, dilettantish, far ahead, fledgling, forward, green, half assed, half baked, half grown, hasty, ill considered, ill… …   Moby Thesaurus

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