- half-blue
- [ʹhɑ:fʹblu:] n спорт.
1) член сборной команды по менее популярным видам спорта (теннису, плаванию и т. п. в Оксфорде и Кембридже)2) право участвовать в такой команде
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
half-blue — adj. * * * halfˈ blue noun (at university) a substitute for a full blue, or the colours awarded him or her • • • Main Entry: ↑half … Useful english dictionary
half blue — /ˈhaf blu/ (say hahf blooh) noun (in some universities) a sporting award for achievement at a level below that of full blue …
half-blue — adj. * * * … Universalium
Blue (university sport) — A Blue is an award earned by sportsmen and women at a university and some schools for competition at the highest level. The awarding of Blues began at Oxford and Cambridge Universities. It is found at British, Australian and New Zealand… … Wikipedia
Blue Dog Coalition — The Blue Dog Coalition, commonly known as the Blue Dogs, is a group of United States Congressional Representatives from the Democratic Party who identify themselves as moderates.[1] It was formed in 1995[2][3] during the 104th Congress to give… … Wikipedia
half — n., adj., & adv. n. (pl. halves) 1 either of two equal or corresponding parts or groups into which a thing is or might be divided. 2 colloq. = half back. 3 colloq. half a pint, esp. of beer etc. 4 either of two equal periods of play in sports. 5… … Useful english dictionary
Blue Boat — For the blue public house named the Blue Boat, see public houses and inns in Grantham. The Blue Boat is the highest level boat representing the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge in the Universities annual rowing clash on the… … Wikipedia
Half-Life: Blue Shift — Разработчик Gearbox Software … Википедия
Half-Life (series) — Half Life series The series logo; lambda is a prominent symbol throughout Developers Valve Corporation Gearbox Software … Wikipedia
Half-Life — Entwickler … Deutsch Wikipedia
Half-life — Entwickler: Valve Software Verleger … Deutsch Wikipedia