- Guyana
- [gaıʹɑ:nə] n геогр.
Co-operative Republic of Guyana - Кооперативная Республика Гайана
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Co-operative Republic of Guyana - Кооперативная Республика Гайана
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Guyana — Guyana was the first country in the Western Hemi sphere to receive Hindu immigrants from India. On May 5, 1838, the British ship Whitby docked at Guyana’s Berbice Colony with 249 immigrants on board, 164 of whom were East Indians bound for the … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
GUYANA — C’est en 1966 que l’ancienne Guyane britannique (215 000 km2) s’est constituée en pays indépendant sous le nom de Guyana, tout en demeurant membre du Commonwealth. À la suite des graves problèmes économiques et de la forte répression qui ont… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Guyana — Nombre del país de América del Sur que antes de su independencia constituía la Guayana Británica: «La prevalencia del VIH entre mujeres embarazadas alcanza o supera el 2 por ciento en seis de dichos países: Bahamas, Belice, República Dominicana,… … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
Guyana — Guyana, Land, so v.w. Guayana … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Guyana — har et indbyggertal på 697.181 (1999), og et areal på 214.969 kvadratkilometer. Befolkningstæthed: 3,2 pr. kvkm Geografisk område: Sydamerika Nabolande: Venezuela, Brasilien, Surinam Hovedstad: Georgetown (1999: 275.000) … Danske encyklopædi
Guyana — from a native word perhaps meaning “respectable.” … Etymology dictionary
Guyana — [gī an′ə, gīän′ə] country in NE South America: formerly a British colony, it became independent in 1966; member of the Commonwealth: 83,000 sq mi (214,969 sq km); pop. 730,000; cap. Georgetown Guyanese [gī΄ə nēz′] adj., n … English World dictionary
Guyana — Not to be confused with Ghana., or French Guiana. For other uses, see Guyana (disambiguation). Co operative Republic of Guyana[1] … Wikipedia
Guyana — Guyanese /guy euh neez , nees /, n., adj. /guy an euh, ah neuh/, n. an independent republic on the NE coast of South America: a former British protectorate; gained independence 1966; member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 706,116; 82,978 sq. mi.… … Universalium
Guyana — Cooperative Republic of Guyana República Cooperativa de Guyana … Wikipedia Español
Guyana — Co operative Republic of Guyana Kooperative Republik Guyana … Deutsch Wikipedia