- brachiate
- 1. [ʹbreı|kı(e)ıt,ʹbræ{kı(e)ıt}-] a
1. бот. ветвистый, разветвлённый2. зоол. имеющий руки2. [ʹbreı|kıeıt,ʹbræ{kıeıt}-] vпрыгать по веткам деревьев, хватаясь руками подобно обезьяне
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Brachiate — Brach i*ate, a. [L. brachiatus (bracch ) with boughs or branches like arms, from brackium (bracch ) arm.] (Bot.) Having branches in pairs, decussated, all nearly horizontal, and each pair at right angles with the next, as in the maple and lilac.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
brachiate — [brā′kē āt΄, brak′ēāt΄; ] for adj. usually [, brāk′ēit, brak′ēit] adj. [< BRACHIO + ATE1] having widely spreading branches, alternately arranged vi. brachiated, brachiating to swing arm over arm from one hold to the next, as certain apes and… … English World dictionary
brachiate — intransitive verb ( ated; ating) Date: 1928 to progress by swinging from hold to hold by the arms < a brachiating gibbon > • brachiation noun • brachiator noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
brachiate — adj. /bray kee it, ayt , brak ee /; v. /bray kee ayt , brak ee /, adj., v., brachiated, brachiating. adj. 1. Bot. having widely spreading branches in alternate pairs. 2. Zool. having arms. v.i. 3. to progress by means of brachiation. [1825 35; … Universalium
brachiate — 1. adjective /ˈbrækɪət/ Having decussate branches. 2. verb /ˈbrækɪət/ To move like a brachiator; to swing from branch to branch, advance by brachiation. ...brachiating from handhold to handhold like chimpanzees in a jungle. <!should bronchi be … Wiktionary
brachiate — To belch. Hey! No brachiating in the locker room! … Dictionary of american slang
brachiate — To belch. Hey! No brachiating in the locker room! … Dictionary of american slang
brachiate — bra·chi·ate || breɪkɪeɪt adj. armed, branched … English contemporary dictionary
brachiate — verb brakɪeɪt (of apes) swing from branch to branch by the arms. adjective brakɪət, breɪk Biology 1》 branched. 2》 having arms. Derivatives brachiation noun brachiator noun Origin C18: from L. brachium arm + ate2 … English new terms dictionary
brachiate — brach·i·ate … English syllables
brachiate — bra•chi•ate adj. [[t]ˈbreɪ ki ɪt, ˌeɪt, ˈbræk i [/t]] v. [[t] ˌeɪt[/t]] adj. v. at•ed, at•ing 1) bot bot having widely spreading branches in alternate pairs 2) zool. Zool. having arms 3) zool. to progress by means of brachiation • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang