
[ʹgrɒvlıŋ] a
1. 1) лежащий ниц
2) стелющийся по земле (о растениях)
2. унижающийся, лебезящий, подхалимствующий

grovel(l)ing toadies - подхалимы, лизоблюды

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "grovel(l)ing" в других словарях:

  • grovel — [[t]grɒ̱v(ə)l[/t]] grovels, grovelling, grovelled (in AM, use groveling, groveled) 1) VERB (disapproval) If you say that someone grovels, you think they are behaving too respectfully towards another person, for example because they are frightened …   English dictionary

  • grovel — grov|el [ gravl ] (past tense and past participle grov|eled; present participle grov|el|ing) verb intransitive INFORMAL to show too much respect for someone or be too willing to obey someone, because you want to please them or you are afraid of… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • grovel — grov•el [[t]ˈgrɒv əl, ˈgrʌv [/t]] v. i. eled, el•ing (esp. brit.) elled, el•ling. 1) to humble oneself or act in an abject manner 2) to lie or crawl with the face downward and the body prostrate in abject humility, fear, etc 3) to take pleasure… …   From formal English to slang

  • crouch´ing|ly — crouch «krowch», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to stoop low with bent legs like an animal ready to spring, or a person hiding: »The cat crouched in the corner waiting for the mouse to come out of its hole. The boys crouched under a bush when we played… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Japanese war crimes — occurred during the period of Japanese imperialism. Some of the incidents have also been described as an Asian Holocaustcite news| first=Ralph |last=Blumenthal |title=The World: Revisiting World War II Atrocities; Comparing the Unspeakable to the …   Wikipedia

  • Qur'an desecration controversy of 2005 — The Qur an desecration controversy of 2005 began when Newsweek s April 30 issue contained a report about U.S. prison guards or interrogators deliberately damaging a copy of Islam s holiest book, the Qur an.A week later, the charge that Americans… …   Wikipedia

  • Diana Schutz — at Ohio State University in 2007 Born 1 February 1955 (1955 02 01) …   Wikipedia

  • 2005 Quran desecration controversy — The 2005 Qur an desecration controversy began when Newsweek s April 30 issue contained a report asserting that United States prison guards or interrogators had deliberately damaged a copy of Islam s holiest book, the Qur an. A week later, Hendrik …   Wikipedia

  • cringing — cring·ing || krɪndʒɪŋ n. crouching or bending in fear or servility; act of cringing krɪndÊ’ v. flinch, shrink back, recoil (in surprise or fright); grovel …   English contemporary dictionary

  • doubling of final consonants in inflection — The table below explains the differing practice in English shown by the forms hotter, enrolled, offered, targeted, in which the root word (hot, enrol, offer, target) ends in a single consonant. Practice can also differ with the same word in BrE… …   Modern English usage

  • crouch´er — crouch «krowch», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. to stoop low with bent legs like an animal ready to spring, or a person hiding: »The cat crouched in the corner waiting for the mouse to come out of its hole. The boys crouched under a bush when we played… …   Useful english dictionary

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