Смотреть что такое "ground-beef" в других словарях:
Ground beef — Ground beef, beef mince or hamburger meat (in North America), or mince or mince(d) meat (in the rest of the English speaking world) is a ground meat product, made of beef finely chopped by a meat grinder. It is used in many recipes including… … Wikipedia
ground beef — n [U] AmE ↑beef that has been cut up into very small pieces, often used to make ↑hamburgers British Equivalent: mince … Dictionary of contemporary English
ground beef — noun uncount AMERICAN meat from a cow that has been cut into very small pieces: HAMBURGER … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ground beef — noun beef that has been ground • Syn: ↑hamburger • Hypernyms: ↑beef, ↑boeuf • Part Holonyms: ↑hamburger, ↑beefburger, ↑burger * * * … Useful english dictionary
ground beef — noun a) Beef that has been ground; minced beef. b) Chopped fresh or frozen beef without the addition of beef fat as seasoning, with no more than 30 percent fat, and with no added water, phosphates, binders, or extenders. Syn: beef mince, chopped… … Wiktionary
ground beef — говяжий фарш beef fat говяжий жир beef ham говяжий окорок beef roll говяжий рулет beef rennet говяжий сычуг rolled beef говяжий рулет … English-Russian travelling dictionary
ground beef — /graʊnd ˈbif/ (say grownd beef) noun US minced beef …
ground beef — noun (U) AmE beef 1 (1) that has been cut up into very small pieces, often used to make hamburgers; mince 2 BrE … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
ground beef — UK / US noun [uncountable] American mince … English dictionary
Beef mince — Ground beef Beef mince, ground beef or hamburger meat (in North America), or minced meat (elsewhere) is a minced meat food, made of beef finely chopped by a mincer. It is used in many recipes including hamburgers and cottage pie. In some parts of … Wikipedia
Ground meat — is meat finely chopped by a meat grinder. It is called mince or mince(d) meat outside North America. A common type of ground meat is ground beef, but many other meats are prepared ground in a similar fashion, including pork, lamb, chicken, and… … Wikipedia