- boyo
- [ʹbɔı|əʋ] n (pl -os [-{ʹbɔı}əʋz]) ирл. разг.
1) парень, мальчик2) pl ребята
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Boyo — Administration Pays Cameroun … Wikipédia en Français
Boyo — can mean: *a Welsh and Irish variation on the word Boy *a Division of Cameroon *a mop In Costa Rica (Boyin, Boyototote) *various personal names … Wikipedia
boyo — ► NOUN (pl. boyos) Welsh & Irish informal ▪ a boy or man … English terms dictionary
boyo — [boi′ō΄] n. [Informal, Chiefly Brit.] a fellow; boy; lad; man … English World dictionary
boyo — I Everyday English Slang in Ireland n a bit of a lad II Irish Slang a young person III Cumbrian Dictionary ( n boy oh) brother. e.g. Yer boyo can t arf lowp yats. = I do believe your brother is rather good at jumping over gates. Not to be… … English dialects glossary
boyo — This is boy with the vocative suffix ‘ o’, used as a friendly term of address, usually between men. Many would expect the user of this term to be Welsh, but it is given to speak ers of other nationalities in e.g. Coldfinger, by Ian Fleming and … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
Boyo Ockinga — PhD, is an Egyptologist, epigrapher, and philologist of the ancient Egyptian language, who holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. A graduate of the University… … Wikipedia
Boyo Ockinga — Égyptologue Pays de naissance Australie … Wikipédia en Français
boyo — noun (plural boyos) Etymology: boy + 1 o Date: circa 1870 Irish boy, lad … New Collegiate Dictionary
boyo — /boy oh/, n., pl. boyos. Irish Eng., Australian Informal. boy; lad. Also, boy o. [1865 70; BOY + O] * * * … Universalium
boyo — noun /bɔɪ.əʊ/ a) An Irish word for boy or lad which originated in the 19th century. b) A stereotypically Welsh form of address for a man (usually younger than the speaker) … Wiktionary