- boyar boyard
boyar, boyard
1> _рус. _ист. боярин
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
BOYARD — Terme attesté dans les langues slaves orientales (russe: sing. bojarin , plur. bojare ) et méridionales (sous la forme boljarin ), «boyard» sert à désigner les membres de l’aristocratie. En Russie, le groupe des boyards a une double origine: la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Boyar — Bo*yar , Boyard Bo*yard , n. [Russ. boi[ a]rin .] A member of a Russian aristocratic order abolished by Peter the Great. Also, one of a privileged class in Roumania. [1913 Webster] Note: English writers sometimes call Russian landed proprietors… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Boyard — Boyar Bo*yar , Boyard Bo*yard , n. [Russ. boi[ a]rin .] A member of a Russian aristocratic order abolished by Peter the Great. Also, one of a privileged class in Roumania. [1913 Webster] Note: English writers sometimes call Russian landed… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
boyar — [bō yärd′, boi′ərdbō yär′, boi′ər] n. [Russ boyarin, pl. boyare, grandee < boj, battle < IE base * bhei , to strike] Historical 1. a member of the privileged aristocracy in czarist Russia, ranking just below the ruling princes: the rank was … English World dictionary
boyar — boyarism, boyardism, n. /boh yahr , boy euhr/, n. 1. Russian Hist. a member of the old nobility of Russia, before Peter the Great made rank dependent on state service. 2. a member of a former privileged class in Rumania. Also, boyard /boh yahrd … Universalium
boyar — also boyard noun Etymology: Russian boyarin Date: 1591 a member of a Russian aristocratic order next in rank below the ruling princes until its abolition by Peter the Great … New Collegiate Dictionary
boyard — noun see boyar … New Collegiate Dictionary
boyar — /ˈbɔɪə/ (say boyuh), /boʊˈja/ (say boh yah) noun 1. a member of the old nobility of Russia, before Peter the Great made rank depend on state service. 2. one of a former privileged class in Romania. Also, boyard /ˈbɔɪəd/ (say boyuhd), /boʊˈjad/… …
boyard — noun see boyar … Useful english dictionary
boïar — ⇒BOYARD, BOÏAR, subst. masc. Ancien seigneur, gros propriétaire terrien des pays slaves en particulier de Russie et, p. ext. des provinces danubiennes d Europe centrale : • 1. Shéhérazade et Casanova ont été, furent, sont et seront, quelles que… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Troubetskoï — Famille Troubetzkoy Armes des Jagiellons, dit Pogon Litewska Troubetzkoy (pol. Trubecki) est un famille de la noblesse russe et polonaise. Transcriptions : Troubetzkoy (français), Трубецкой (russe), Trubecki (polonais), Trubetskoy (anglais) … Wikipédia en Français