- greedy-guts
- [ʹgri:dıgʌts] n груб.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
greedy guts — noun (informal) A glutton • • • Main Entry: ↑greedy * * * ˈgreedy guts idiom (BrE, informal) used to refer to sb who eats too much … Useful english dictionary
greedy-guts — /ˈgridi gʌts/ (say greedee guts) noun Colloquial a greedy person. Also, greedy guts …
greedy guts — Glutton … A concise dictionary of English slang
greedy-guts — … Useful english dictionary
guts — /gʌts / (say guts) Colloquial –plural noun (often construed as singular) 1. the bowels or entrails. 2. the stomach or abdomen. 3. courage; stamina; endurance: to have guts. 4. essential information: the guts of the matter. 5. essential parts or… …
greedy — adjective a) Having greed; consumed by selfish desires b) Tending to match as much text as possible. Syn: gluttonous See Also: greed, greediness, greedy guts … Wiktionary
greedy — Said by one child to another in The Fox in the Attic, by Richard Hughes, but not with reference to food. Those children who do eat food in a greedy manner are likely to have that fact pointed out to them in no uncertain manner by their peer… … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
guts — Used by English children as a term of abuse for a fat or greedy child. The latter may also be known as ‘guts ache’ or ‘gutsy sod’. See also Fatty and Greedy … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
Guts — pl n 1. stomach or abdomen; 2. one greedy for food; a glutton; 3. courage; stamina; endurance: to have guts ; 4. essential information: the guts of the matter ; 5. (of an engine, machine, etc.) power; performance; 6. (two up) wagered money in the … Dictionary of Australian slang
guts — I Australian Slang pl n 1. stomach or abdomen; 2. one greedy for food; a glutton; 3. courage; stamina; endurance: to have guts ; 4. essential information: the guts of the matter ; 5. (of an engine, machine, etc.) power; performance; 6. (two up)… … English dialects glossary
garbage guts — /ˈgabɪdʒ gʌts/ (say gahbij guts) plural noun Colloquial (construed as singular) a greedy person; greedy guts …