Great Bahama Bank

Great Bahama Bank
[ʹgreıtbəʹhɑ:məʹbæŋk] геогр.
Большая Багамская банка

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "Great Bahama Bank" в других словарях:

  • Great Bahama Bank — Bahama Banks. Oben Little Bahama Bank unten Great Bahama Bank. Am linken Bildrand Cay Sal Bank, ganz unten Kuba. MODIS, NASA Die Bahama Banks sind eine Gruppe von Karbonatplattformen, die den Untergrund für den größten Teil der Inselgruppe der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Great Bahama Bank — ▪ shoal, The Bahamas       large shoal off The Bahamas, separated from Little Bahama Bank (north) by Northwest Providence Channel. Its shallow waters extend southeast from Miami, across the Straits of Florida, in a broad curve about 330 miles… …   Universalium

  • Great Bahama Canyon — ▪ submarine canyon, Atlantic Ocean       submarine canyon in the Atlantic Ocean off the Bahamas, one of the greatest yet discovered. It lies northeast of the Great Bahama Bank, between Great Abaco and Eleuthera islands. Two main branches, the… …   Universalium

  • Little Bahama Bank — Bahama Banks. Oben Little Bahama Bank unten Great Bahama Bank. Am linken Bildrand Cay Sal Bank, ganz unten Kuba. MODIS, NASA Die Bahama Banks sind eine Gruppe von Karbonatplattformen, die den Untergrund für den größten Teil der Inselgruppe der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bahama Banks — Bahama Banks. Oben Little Bahama Bank unten Great Bahama Bank. Am linken Bildrand Cay Sal Bank, ganz unten Kuba. MODIS, NASA Die Bahama Banks sind eine Gruppe von Karbonatplattformen, die den Untergrund für den größten Teil der Inselgruppe der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bahama Banks — The Bahama Banks are the submerged carbonate platforms that make up much of the Bahama Archipelago. The term is usually applied in referring to either the Great Bahama Bank around Andros Island, or the Little Bahama Bank of Grand Bahama Island… …   Wikipedia

  • Old Bahama Channel — The Old Bahama Channel is a strait off the northern coast of Cuba and the Sabana Camagüey Archipelago and south of the Great Bahama Bank. It is approximately 100 miles (161 km) long and 15 miles (24 km) wide. The Old Bahama Channel… …   Wikipedia

  • Cay Sal Bank — is the third largest (after Great Bahama Bank and Little Bahama Bank) and the westernmost of the Bahama Banks. It is located between 23º27 N 24º10 N and 079º25 W – 080º35 W. In a geographical sense, it is separate from the Bahamas proper as it is …   Wikipedia

  • Ocean bank (topography) — See also: Sandbank Marine habitats Georges Bank in the Gulf of Maine is a large elevated area of the sea floor, shown in this map as the light blue region at the bottom centre …   Wikipedia

  • Cay Sal Bank — Vorlage:Infobox Insel/Wartung/Höhe fehlt Cay Sal Bank Cay Sal Bank, zwischen Floridastraße und Kuba Gewässer Atlantischer Ozean …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Grand Bahama — Vorlage:Infobox Insel/Wartung/Höhe fehlt Grand Bahama NASA Bild von Grand Bahama Gewässer Atlantik …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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